546 Goals to Work On

Jumpstart your prosperity by planning out what you’d like to achieve. Here’s a master list of 546 goals that will give you an abundance of ideas on how you might want to improve your life. Review the list and make notes on what resonates with you and why. The more specific you can make your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them.

Expand my thinking beyond what I am conditioned to conceive of.
Delegate more effectively so that I have more time to work on what matters most.
Lose weight without orienting my life around it.
Develop a financial plan to become financially independent at age            .
Change my relationship with food from comfort to sustenance.
Change my approach from selling to telling and from telling to modeling.
Learn how to set up a website that showcases me and my services/company.
Become masterful with sending and receiving all forms of email.
Improve the quality of my home life.
Take much more time for me instead of living too much for others.
Take charge of my life instead of letting other people run it for me.
Become unconditionally constructive in everything I say.
Design a lifestyle that makes me incredibly happy.
Improve the profitability of my company by at least.
Expand my network to include the finest professionals in 100 different fields.
Stop pushing for individual sales and start investing in lifetime buying relationships.
Goof off and not feel guilty about it.
Communicate so well that people respond immediately.
Turn my time into an asset — 1440 ‘assets’ a day.
Eliminate or reduce adrenaline in my life so I don’t burn myself and others up.
Redesign my life so that it’s oriented around vacations, not work.
Increase my ability to process more information without getting overwhelmed.
Accelerate my personal evolution.
Feel a lot better about my family and me.
Reduce the amount of conflict in my life so that I can relax.
Increase the amount of money I have in savings.
Start a new business and avoid the common learning curve.
Identify the triggers that cause adrenaline, before they get me wired.
Start reading the books that will help me evolve instead of merely develop.
Design my path of personal development.
Reduce what I am tolerating at work.
Clean out the clutter in my closets, draws, and garage.
Learn how to ask the right questions in any selling situation.
Create a buying environment instead of a selling environment.
Learn how to make more money in the new economy.
Discover what is causing dissonance in my life.
Become cyber and Internet literate without having to struggle through the process.
Come to endorse my worst weakness as my biggest strength.
Be able to look at any problem and see an opportunity, without wearing rose-colored glasses.
Have more patience, especially when I have none.
Walk my talk without strut ing.
Become a toleration free zone.
Strengthen my personal foundation so that the underpinnings of my life are rock solid.
Add value to my customers and clients, just for the joy of it.
Identify the unique skills and talents that I know are waiting to be leveraged.
Eliminate delay, so I don’t miss opportunities.
Stop procrastinating and be ‘inventory-free’.
Toss out my to-do list (or plan to create one).
Expand my vocabulary so that I can better express myself in any situation.
Stop whining and start winning.
Find a career that is no longer work.
Play with my kids every day instead of when I have time.
Identify every source of stress in my life and either reduce or eliminate it.
Put my family first without having to put myself second.
Learn how to give people what want, without it costing me anything.
Evolve from win-lose to win-win in my thinking.
Design values-based goals instead of whim-based goals.
Stop taking life so darn seriously.
Give others the experienced of being heard, instead of just being listened to.
Increase my bandwidth in order to handle more input.
React less and respond more.
Clean up my life and start clean.
Start over.
Discover my personal values and orient my life around these.
Identify and eliminate 10 tolerations in the next 10 days.
Create a perfect life.
Become self-actualized.
Write a book without pain.
Develop a life plan and start living it.
Make the personal changes I have not been able to make on my own.
Get focused.
Blow up the blocks standing in the path to success.
Start taking the path of least resistance instead of working against life.
Increase the momentum in life so that I am carried forward instead of pushing myself.
Find a better way to motivate me.
Stop watching Jay Leno and get to bed earlier.
Throw out my television set.
Move to the country because I want to.
Make a significant personal decision.
Create a business plan without taking three months to do so.
Get in the habit of flossing daily.
Get the support I need to visit the dentist.
Get the nudge I need to hire a house cleaner so I don’t have to do it.
Improve my attitude so I’m always positive, naturally.
Take more chances.
Change my relationship with risk.
Develop a reserve of time during my day.
Get out of a rut.
Do a personal makeover.
Improve what I see in the mirror.
Keep me on track around using Nautilus three times per week.
Better identify the people who are really good for me, and who are not.
Extend my boundaries without setting up walls.
Strengthen my character so I am really proud of who I am.
Become more sensitive with people who need that from me.
Stop micromanaging people.
Bring in five new clients a month.
Make a million dollars next year.
Become a saver and therefore start saving because I enjoy it.
Reduce my credit card debt much faster than I am current y.
Get control over my spending.
Build a “team” with my area managers.
Spend more time in the garden.
Spend more time at the beach.
Spend more time.
Learn how to practice extreme self-care.
Increase my havingness level so that I can maintain my success.
Simplify everything.
Get back to exercising: 40 sit-ups and 20 push-ups per day.
Be able to meet men and women and not get anxious about it.
Book at least five selling appointments in the next 10 days.
Help me identify my unique selling proposition and my brand.
Close ten new clients in the next 90 days.
Start an email-based weekly newsletter to expand my network..
Easily ask for what I want.
Become a very direct and confident communicator.
Tell the truth instead of what people want to hear.
Increase my awareness.
Slow down to enjoy the weather and take in the wonder of everyday life.
Spend less time in the future and more time enjoying the present.
Design my winning formula.
Reduce business expenses by $20,000.
Increase business by 20% without spending more on advertising.
Identify three specific goals that light me up for next year.
Get clear on my values and align my goals with them.
Create an inspiring project where I will touch at least 100 people per month.
Launch a national organization.
Become a better team leader so employees love their jobs.
Create a sales program for a new niche.
Let go of the people in my life who drain my energy.
Create a personal health plan that includes exercise.
Take more days off.
Plan three wonderful vacations for next year.
Set clear boundaries and train those around me to treat me with respect.
Begin a financial independence plan.
Save $100,000 next year.
Take a day every week to renew and rejuvenate.
Develop a national reputation for what I do well.
Brainstorm and prioritize the best ideas to use in my business.
Work 25 % less hours without making less.
Become a person who smiles almost all of the time.
Write to someone with whom I have unfinished business.
Apologize to someone to whom it is very difficult.
Ask my partner to give me three hours of his time per week, to release me to do something I really enjoy.
Discover what makes me tick.
Bring balance to work, home, community, and personal time over three months.
Start running each morning.
Decrease body fat percentage by 10 % within six months.
Upgrade all computer programs within three months.
Stop smoking completely within three months.
Stop over-promising and making commitments.
Complete a tough project on time.
Pay off car loan one year early.
Buy a new car within six months.
Buy a house within one year.
Quit my job to work from home within two years.
Become a telecommuter.
Go half-time at work.
Redecorate the house in six months.
Negotiate a 10% raise next evaluation.
Learn five skill s to better communicate with my children.
Learn five skill s to better communicate with my spouse.
Establish one delicious habit and do it every day.
Rebuild my life after a loss.
Bring romance back into my marriage within 90 days.
Discover my life purpose and begin setting goals to live it within 90 days.
Become more efficient without becoming a machine.
Return to school to pursue a graduate degree.
Get married within five years.
Expand business to sell products over the Internet.
Take a trip to Europe.
Go on a safari.
Own a boat.
Stop fibbing and lying completely within three months.
Build meditation and yoga into your daily schedule.
Achieve assigned sales numbers one-week prior to the end of the month to avoid rushing for sales the last week.
Spend 10% less money month y.
Identify 101 things I love to do and do one each day.
Decrease time spent paying bills.
Increase personal time by four hours a week within one month.
Enroll in a cooking class.
Take scuba lessons and go on a Caribbean dive.
Discard unnecessary household and personal item s within three months.
Discard items cluttering office and desk within one month.
Establish three things I am passionate about as priorities in my life within six months.
Drop three clothing sizes within six months.
Fit into those 32-inch Levis within six months.
Go on a guilt-free shopping spree.
Payback money owed to friends within six months.
Stop complaining within 14 days.
Shift/release a sabotaging belief within 60 days.
Reconcile credit report within six months.
Establish and enforce boundaries within a relationship.
Reduce the number of credit cards to three in 18 months.
Move into a larger apartment within nine months.
Visit grandparents out-of-state within the year.
Design a class or workshop and market it within six months.
Allow one day out of each month to do something I really want to do.
Organize my pension, will, life insurance, and mortgage papers within 60 days.
Meet with a financial adviser twice a year to keep finances updated to set goals on a weekly basis.
Genuinely thank people who help me, daily.
Reestablish a lost relationship.
Call up one member of my family per week, just to say hi.
Pay off the mortgage within five years.
Be prepared for a holiday season (eg, Christmas) at least one month before the holiday begins.
Train a pet to consistently perform the desired action on command.
Reorient personal and professional life completely around values (not wants and needs) within three years.
Join Toastmasters and complete the first ten speeches within six months.
Develop two new profit centers in my business within one month.
Trash 100 megabytes of stuff I don’t need on my computer.
Clean out/purge all home and work files this month.
Get my hair cut and styled the way I really want it and the way that is most attractive for me.
Say “no” five times this week.
Keep the gas tank in my vehicle at least half full at all times.
Join and participate in those networking groups that will assist in business and personal life.
Disentangle from those organizations that do not add value to the business or personal life within one month.
Learn how to use a computer.
Develop a sense of style.
Take a world tour.
Improve my reputation among my colleagues.
Attract the mate of my dreams.
Become Ms. Right instead of searching for Mr. Right.
Turn my ideas into revenue streams.
Clean up where I get my energy from.
Reduce the friction in my life by finding the right oil.
Develop a reserve of opportunities so I don’t have to look for them.
Build a personal support network of people with similar interests.
Learn how to attract business instead of constantly marketing for it.
Design a personal development plan for my children.
Deepen my relationships with my friends.
Delight my customers, not just please them.
Become a more respectful person of other peoples’ ways.
Keep my word.
Be accountable for result s.
Enjoy responsibility instead of trying to avoid it.
Clarify my professional commitments.
Become an adult in every sense of the word.
Learn how to say no without turning people off.
Make it clear to people what I require of them.
Reorganize my office and work environment.
Automate and delegate almost every aspect of my personal tasks and chores.
Get more done, but slow the pace of how I’m working.
Increase my self-esteem.
Balance my personal, family and business lives.
Better integrate what I already have.
Reduce the roles I am for others.
Become a lot more creative in what I do.
Prioritize my time so that I don’t feel rushed and exhausted.
Trust my inklings more.
Turn my intuition into my primary decision-making system.
Develop a marketing strategy for my business.
Build my personal brand.
Free myself from my beliefs.
Come to accept that which I resist.
Become a better writer.
Speak in a laser-like fashion.
Become an effective public speaker.
Find my voice and speak confidently.
Distinguish truth from b.s. in every situation, instant y.
Become a proactive person who never waits.
Develop grace.
Improve the relationship I have with my husband.
Improve the relationship I have with my spouse.
Improve the relationship I have with my wife.
Improve the relationship I have with my children.
Improve the relationship I have with my son.
Improve the relationship I have with my daughter.
Improve the relationship I have with m  father.
Improve the relationship I have with my mother.
Improve the relationship I have with my siblings.
Improve the relationship I have with my in-laws.
Improve the relationship I have with my neighbors.
Improve the relationship I have with my boss.
Improve the relationship I have with my colleagues.
Improve the relationship I have with my clients.
Improve the relationship I have with my coworkers.
Improve the relationship I have with my minister.
Become a better manager.
Become a leader, not just a manager.
Prepare my business for sale.
Learn how to give advice without turning people off.
Enjoy being human instead of trying to perfect myself.
Identify what slows me down.
Develop a marketing engine for my business.
Increase the number of referrals I receive.
Learn how to make requests that are accepted and fulfilled.
Distinguish symptom s from sources when dealing with a situation.
Become incredibly selfish.
Sensitize myself so that I feel things when they occur versus afterward.
Lighten up.
Deprogram myself from other people’s plans for me.
Understand the relationship between m em es and genes.
Find my area of specialization or professional niche.
Find a way to delegate my weaknesses so I can focus on m y strengths.
Transition smoothly to a new field.
Shift the paradigm in which I exist.
Perfect my environment so that it brings out my best.
Create a vacuum, which pulls me forward.
Affect people profoundly.
Position my services or products into the marketplace.
Evolve from rational, logical, and linear to operating well in a state of chaos.
Be causal, instead of reactive.
Buff up my body.
Buff up my life.
Develop ‘the edge’ in order to close a sale or make my point.
Become part of a spiritual community.
Develop compassion for people who I currently criticize.
Learn to dance better with events versus being so rigid.
Be able to think abstractly instead of just logically.
Come to enjoy change versus resist or dislike it.
Reduce the emotional costs of my business or practice.
Become a much more endorsing and encouraging person.
Listen very, very well.
Develop marketing materials for my business.
Package my products and services better.
Develop 10 profit centers instead of just one.
Complete a project with less stress.
Be sustainably motivated instead of operating in fits and starts.
Become wise.
Always have enough clean clothes, no matter what.
Turn my bedroom into a place where I sleep perfectly.
Have something to look forward to each evening.
Not resist getting up in the morning.
Get enough physical touch so I don’t shrivel up.
Have a home that is always perfectly clean and organized.
Improve the lighting everywhere in my home/ office so that there is no strain.
Have my teeth cosmetically perfected.
Be able to recover quickly in case I lose my wallet or purse.
Keep my computer backed up, daily.
Pay my bills early, always.
Walk away from people who do not respect me.
Never force myself to do anything that I don’t want to.
Rearrange my investments so that I don’t lose sleep over them.
Get the quality rest I need.
Have more than enough confidence in virtually every situation.
Always ask for more than what I need, as a habit.
Improve my judgment.
Always arrive early and never feel rushed.
Eliminate all that distracts me during my day.
Multitask, easily.
Protect myself from the physical/environment risks of life.
Develop a rewarding life outside of work.
Hire a coach to helps me achieve what I want.
Organize my files perfectly.
Always be well-groomed.
Stay ‘present’ throughout the day.
Speak without a ‘charge’ to my voice.
Stop gossiping.
Stop making promises, even if I feel I should.
Stop doing errands and contact this out.
Reduce volunteer activities that are getting in my way.
Face a difficult legal, financial, or tax matter.
Become aware of energy flows between others and myself.
Deepen my relationship to God.
Deepen my relationship with Jesus.
Treat my body like the temple that it is.
Toss out all of the clothes that don’t make me look great.
Learn to collaborate with people, instead of debate or argue.
Break the past sabotaging patterns that I’ve had.
Become more open and available to all that is already around me.
Learn how to ‘get’ someone instead of just listening or hearing them.
Learn coaching skills that I can use with my family and customers.
Get a handle on what’s coming, given how fast the world is change.
Have inter-developmental relationship s, not just interdependent ones.
Raise m y standard s.
Understand the basics of runing a successful business.
Identify the features and benefits that I offer my customers/ clients.
Evolve beyond being productive and to become effective.
Master my craft rather than just being an expert in it.
Become fearless.
Evolve from peace to a life of harmony.
Arrange to have all my bills paid automatically.
Design a system to complete projects two days before the deadline.
Take up cooking.
Establish a family planning center in my home.
Increase productivity by 25 % in six months.
Determine causes of procrastination and develop new skills.
Design each room of my home so that it complements the vision and purpose.
Implement a low-stress move or relocation.
Free up two extra hours of time each day.
Develop a motivational plan to lose twenty pound s in three months, safely.
Discover the root causes of “stuckness” and implement a plan for becoming unstuck.
Design a consistent discipline plan for my toddler.
Incorporate two acts of love per day toward m y m ate.
Establish a daily “dream work” time.
Cut television viewing to 45 minutes a day or less.
Design an annual physical maintenance program (doctors, dentists, etc.).
Free m y m ind of clutter by establishing a recording and action system.
Free up $200-500/month for my own self-improvement.
Be able to put my hands on most of the regularly used information in my office in two minutes or less.
Communicate love to my children in ways that are personally meaningful to them.
Establish and follow a seasonal shopping schedule to take advantage of seasonal sales.
Develop a phone call return system to ensure that calls are returned within 4 hours if they are important.
Attract a soul m ate.
Define the top ten qualities I am looking for in a soul m ate.
Decrease stress level by 20 points in 90 days.
Become an “intrapreneur” in my organization by creating a small business idea and “selling” it to the decision-makers.
Obtain a m ore senior position in my organization in less than six months.
Implement two new personal habits each month .
Maintain a daily quiet time.
Clarify my top ten values and use them as a decision-making compass.
Cultivate a circle of five close friends.
Develop a plan to free up two evenings a week.
Double my income in two years.
Set up a one-year program toward taking a dream vacation.
Cut bud get/spending by 25 %.
Increase productivity in staff members by 30 %.
Develop a system for recording and tracking my artistic or business ideas.
Implement a schedule for acting on ideas.
Incrementally increase salary over the next year.
Choose and take the self-assessment tools that would be of maximum benefit.
Define the legacy I wish to leave.
Discover a meaningful and rewarding career.
Reduce problem-solving time by 50%.
Refine the elements of my business plan.
Design a customer service satisfaction survey that takes me to the heart of my customers’ needs.
Attract a client base that earns 25 % more than the current client base.
Turn dream s into goals.
Rearrange budget and food spending patterns in order to hire a personal chef three months from now.
Develop five personalized ways to say “no” to others in firmness and love.
Get ahead of office equipment maintenance, reducing lost time by 30 %.
Eliminate major blocks to creativity.
Eliminate 90 % of office interruptions.
Expand the circle of influence by 50 people.
Develop an annual goal-setting system.
Increase customer retention by 25 %.
Learn to quickly identify people and situations that are not best for me.
Navigate a successful transition for my staff.
Identify, personalize, and memorize my vision.
Increase Rolodex by 100 strong people.
Reduce downtime caused by adjustment to change by 50%.
Reduce time comm item ents by 30 %.
Learn to make a point in fifteen words or less.
Design and implement an exercise program.
Develop the habit of daily flossing.
Set standard s for a clutter-free living environment.
Set up a plan for the mastery of a new hobby.
Add two pleasurable activities to my daily routine.
Understand what drives and motivates me.
Understand why I relate with people the way I do.
Understand how I learn so that I can learn more easily.
Understand my basic interests and how they affect my choices.
Discover my fashion type and how it impacts other areas of my life.
Design a customized reading plan.
Discover my Enneagram type
Discover m  Myers-Briggs type.
Discover my DISC profile.
Organize m  closets.
Design a personalized filing system.
Set up a “90 Days to a Simpler Life” plan.
Increase the speed of people’s response to my needs.
Add grace and beauty to my life through the arts.
Learn to have an ‘edge’ with people and events.
Implement a personal prioritizing system to accomplish Important rather than simply urgent things.
Double my standards.
Improve my skin tone.
Develop a plan to deal with all the undone details of my life.
Develop a daily habit of journaling feelings.
Learn how to effectively communicate my feelings to my spouse.
Eliminate 20 % of my problems.
Stop using caffeine within 30 days.
Stop using sugar within 30 days.
Implement a tailor-made nutritional plan.
Develop a list of five boundaries that increase my quality of life.
Increase my energy level.
Set boundaries and standards for the type of relationship I will have with my parents.
Increase my job satisfaction so that I look forward to going to work.
Develop a plan to implement the truest value into my life.
Get that I can be both a good person and a good boss.
Get complete on relationships.
Work through a career change.
Get clear on priorities.
Deal with and recover from burn out.
Enjoy life more.
Take on greater challenges at work.
Become better at developing rapport with others.
Deal with fears and concerns in a relationship.
Manage time more effectively.
Determine priorities.
Explore/understand feelings and beliefs.
Get my personal life in order.
Strengthen my spiritual life.
Overcome my fear of rejection.
Deal better with interruptions.
Develop the ability to say no and stick with it.
Discover the inner peace that I know is possible.
Surrender and accept what has happened that I am resisting.
Catch myself within a minute whenever I step over something.
Become a participator in life, not just an observer.
Come up with a focus that expresses my values and uses my strengths.
Stop trying to control everything and everyone.
Identify a theme for my left in the coming year and orient my goals around that.
Develop a morning routine that I totally enjoy.
Let go of 10 ‘should s’ that I’ve created for myself.
Let go of people who are holding me back.
Lessen the strain I put on people.
Put people and relationship s ahead of results.
Develop more confidence in myself.
Stop explaining myself.
Stop justifying my actions.
Stop selling or seducing others.
Reduce how much I am drinking.
Stop smoking.
Resolve whatever childhood damage, causing pain today.
Start investing in the stock market.
Create an outrageous business goal and enlist support to reach it.
Start writing a journal to express my thoughts and feelings.
Subscribe to forward-thinking magazines.
Learn to pace myself.
Increase my ability to want and desire.
Improve my self-esteem and self-worth .
Learn to share the credit and glory of my accomplishments
Get completely free of what binds me.
Always be 10 minutes early and never rushed.
Start using a time management system.
Stop tailgating.
Hire someone to do my laundry.
Maintain zero credit card debt.
Be content with my life and myself; to stop striving.
Become wise in this lifetime.
Expand what I see as possible.
Reconcile my life with humanity.
Be ready to die at any moment, without regrets.
Become internally motivated.
Learn to condition change instead of forcing it on others.
Develop self-respect.
Put jumper cables in my car’s trunk.
Have AAA (auto club) or equivalent.
Have the right Internet Service Provider.
Put all the serial numbers for my computer’s software in a safe place.
Have an attorney on retainer in case something really bad happens to me.
Have my tax return completed by February 15th each year.
Have a facelift if I want one.
Hire a personal trainer.
Start having fresh flowers in my home and office.
Plan the next year by the end of the previous November.
Know a professional gift service for last-minute solutions.
Have a tailor/seamstress available to repair my clothes.
Know a plumber I can call on a moment’s notice.
Install an alarm system in my house, so I can rest easy.
Have my car washed each week.
Call California Closets and have my closets redone.
Have a virtual assistant on call to handle the stuff I don’t want to do.
Have healthy food delivered, so I don’t have to cook when I don’t want to.
Have a weekly manicure.
Get Rolfed.

—– Coach University

Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano

5 thoughts on “546 Goals to Work On”

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