Messenger Mercury Retrograde

Mercury the Messenger has turned retrograde today and will be in backward motion until January 15, 2010.  This is just a quick message to make sure you get your car checked and back up all your important data on your computer.  It may not be a great idea to buy electronics right now. You may find them to be crazy little creatures when you get them home.  Mercury Retrograde is excellent for research work, re-strategizing, re-working projects, re-writes, processing emotions, planning and discussing future plans.  Practice being consciously aware of your feelings and mental wellness if you are slipping into sarcasm, negativity or feeling irritable and grouchy. What can you do to shift and feel better? Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn ruled by suffering Saturn. People may not say what they mean, mean what they say or choose to be mean.  If we remember that words are for helping not hurting. Our patience will be tested. This is not a climate for making major life decisions. We just don’t have all the facts. We would not be creating clear choices based on a full understanding of what is truly going on or seeing the “bigger picture.”

Additionally, Mr. Messenger retrograde occurs during two powerful eclipses cultivating an environment ripe for emotional drama and communication breakdown. We have a Cancer Lunar Eclipse on December 31, 2009 and a Capricorn Solar Eclipse January 15, 2010. Eclipses are the most powerful transits we can experience affecting everyone.  They usher in a new era of growth, new beginnings, new opportunities while changing our outworn patterns and structures.  We are encouraged to release what is no longer working; creating the space for new growth, new relationships, and abundance in 2010. “If something is leaving your life, no matter how valuable or important it may seem, it is because in some way it held you back. If something leaves, know that something better is coming. As this new light reveals more divine within all life forms, it becomes easier to see what things are real and important, and what things are unnecessary and unneeded. It is then easier to let go of whatever is holding you back.” –Sanaya Roman

Have a happy, healthy, safe, and wonderful New Year!

Love, Peace, and Prosperity,
Kelley Rosano

2 thoughts on “Messenger Mercury Retrograde”

  1. Thank you Allenda Sue. I think Mercury gets blamed so much because he rules over so many areas of communication, transportation he is the only God that can travel all levels of consciousness, the conscious mind, the subconscious and the unconscious. Mr Mercury is extremely important to our day to day activities for he rules Gemini and the third house. Mercury is such a major player I have learned not to underestimate him. He is the divine trickster and loves to play with us mortals.

    I agree that there is no reality only our personal perception of reality. Our realities are subjected to our own personal filters, social conditioning, life experience and so on. Our physical world is an illusion because of that truth and thank you for making that point. I love to go deep. Even if many people choose not to and only want to cruise the surface of their life experience. I also enjoy helping people navigate the physical illusionary waters of life we must ride and thrive upon to develop Self-Mastery. Here is to the great journey called life. Blessings and Abundance!

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