New Moon in Aquarius

We have a New Moon in Aquarius this weekend this is your opportunity to set your intentions for what you want in the coming month.  New Moons are the time  to plant our seeds and watch the fruition on the Full Moons. This will happen with the Full Moon in Pisces on Sunday the February 28th.    New Moons provide opportunity for  fresh starts, and to begin new goals, projects or ideas. Timing is everything.

If we are being true to who we really are and honestly seeking Self knowledge it is from our place of truth that we live authentically and powerfully.  Or, for some folks we can choose to live in our self-delusions, escaping what we would do if we were responsible adults.  When we live from our true Self we own our power.  Real power is not about controlling or manipulating others, but being true to Self and knowing that you are the master of your destiny co-creating with Source in every breath. We are not victims to a cruel world or government etcetera. We are changing our core values from consumerism to community, from fear to freedom and one day from war to peace.

If we choose to play the victim we have no power. This is why I always coach clients not to play the victim role. Even if you feel as if life is moving against you.  The only way we can turn the car around is to own our power, take responsibility for our choices, get back in the driver’s seat and move forward.  When we live authentically we own our power.  When we own our power we have passion and are unstoppable.  When we have passion we work with passion and live our excitement.  When we live authentically and own our power it is from this position of soul passion that we connect with our soul mate and experience soul mate relationships.

We are all feeling uneasy at times with this spiritual transformation manifesting physically and financially.  In truth, these are growing pains we are experiencing. Our personal and collective consciousness are expanding, burning the past and preparing us for higher dimension.  Working with my clients I am recognizing that what is happening to us is bigger than the outer mind can fully comprehend.  We are experiencing a transformation in consciousness a full on personal revolution on every level of our being and personal world and this will continue until 2012. From 2012 on we will see more massive institutional break downs and the urgent need for radical social change that will emerge from 2012 on. In other words, what you are experiencing now is to prepare you for the larger organizational and system breakdowns that will begin in two years.   Our best strategy is to be open to change and stay flexible for the outcome is unknown we have never been here before: a historical revolution and simultaneously moving into fourth dimension. “Subtle changes are occurring constantly within you. You are a growing, evolving being. Feel good about your progress.” Ivo/Lisa Dorr


Kelley Rosano

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