the stars are aligning and Jupiter is rising!

Have you seen signs of Spring in the last week or so? I sure have. It’s a little bit warmer. The days are getting longer. The birds are chirping. It sounds cliche, but it feels like the whole world is waking up around me, just like the opening of a fairy tale movie. 

Spring is my favorite time of year. Whether it was a rough winter or a mild one where you are. It was a tough one here in the North East. But the signs of Spring are starting. It’s always so wonderful to see the tulips and daffodils start to show and to be able to go for a walk without being bundled up like crazy. You feel lighter.

This Spring is especially enchanting. In 2021, the stars are aligning for a truly magical experience for everyone. All the planets are direct, and Jupiter is Rising! This is good news. 

The chart of the Spring equinox in Washington, DC has Jupiter Rising. It brings tremendous hope to America and the world. Because Jupiter in Aquarius is in positive energy flow with both the Moon and the North Node in Gemini. This move means that Spring is going to be a time of great optimism (Jupiter) about the future (Aquarius). Because it brings exciting news around trade, travel, innovation, and technology. 

The mood (Moon) is mostly happy (Jupiter). It may also be FAVORABLE for weddings and gatherings, and it favors family reunions and celebrations. Families are being reunited! There is good news regarding education and sports as well. 

If you’re striving to better yourself, this is your time! Let’s face it. We’re all working to be better at something. With the planets on your side, you could feel the wind in your sails. You may find that tailwind and ride it up!

You’ve heard me ask before. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Go do that. Or if you knew you could DOUBLE or TRIPLE your reach? It’s time to give those statements some serious thought. Perhaps you’ve been working towards a goal for a while now. Is it still the right goal? 

I’ve seen it happen before. We get so focused on reaching for something that we can sometimes forget why we’re going for it in the first place. 

A friend of mine was recently in the process of starting a blog. She’d been working tirelessly on it for well over a year. She was pumping out three posts a week, promoting it, and responding to all the comments she gets to build her community. One day, sitting down to write, she told me she had a revelation. She doesn’t even like to write. She was so wrapped up in the idea of being a successful blogger that she never considered what it really takes. It takes hard work…and a whole lot of writing. If you don’t like to write, blogging is the last thing you want to be doing.

Are you in the WRONG AREA? It happens. If that is going on, then you want to know how to GET OUT of the dead end. Work on your exit strategy. See the jewel in the junk. Take what you’ve learned and leave the rest. Go deep within yourself and connect to who-you-are-now. Not who you have been in the past. Be true to yourself. And you’ll attract what is right for you. You’ll find new work that excites you.

There is more good news. Now is an excellent time to take a beat, sit quietly, and think about your goals for the future. Are your goals still the right goals for you? Do you feel passion? Does it challenge you in healthy ways? Does it bring you joy? Not every task in a project will bring you joy, but you should have an overall sense of satisfaction. And happiness for what you do at the end of the day. 

It could be a long time before the planets align again in such a good way. Use this time to your ADVANTAGE. Take inventory of your goals. Make sure they’re still what you truly desire. Write down all of the steps to get there. And then work, work, and work. Life teaches us that you can either have excuses or results but you can’t have both. This is the time to TAKE ACTION. What’s holding you back?

Spring astrology is the best I have seen in years. That doesn’t mean your life is going to be all sunshine and rainbows. I am sorry.  But no. That’s not life on planet earth.  There will always be those storms that upset the ecosystem. There will always be Black Swans. The unknown unknowns. The stuff you don’t see coming. Your power is in how you respond. How you control your emotions and make good decisions. Be flexible. Be patient. Flow with the energy. Love the ups and downs. Love the process. Celebrate the effort. Trying. Showing up. It matters.

Set your INTENTION at the Spring Equinox on March 20. What do you want this Spring? What about Summer? Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone to get it?  If you are there could be great rewards for you.

The universe is giving you double points right now…TAKE THEM!










The Modern Natal Birth Report is a great way to make sure your hard work is aligned with your unique astrology. It will help clarify your motivation, your life goals, and your relationships. This is an excellent time to make sure you’re on the best possible path. Learn more about the report here. 

If you want to take advantage of Jupiter rising and make the right moves this Spring my Thrive, Prosper, and Transform Program gives you the tools, skills, and training you need to build your roadmap to Financial Freedom. Your family needs you abundant. What’s holding you back?  Learn more about our powerful prosperity program here.

March Freebie the Top-10-Techniques-for-Your-Prosperity-Success-Now 

8 thoughts on “the stars are aligning and Jupiter is rising!”

  1. Thank You for these. It is such a Blessing to read positives and know we can change our lives for the better! I’ll take the double points. Thank You Universe.
    Continued Success to you

  2. Katey Caballos

    Hi Kelly, I love your gifs. Alexis and Jamie! Thank you as always for your amazing info.

  3. Hi Kelly, I’ve read many readings from astrologers like you that gives guidance for the future, but your reading according to my observations gives exact and precise guidance to me. Thank you

  4. Hi, Ms. Russo,
    As a Summer Solstice incarnate, (21st June, depending upon the year, for exact solstice interpretation),
    I would like to extend my warmest “GRATITUDE” to your infinite abundance, and, imparting the wisdom of “Universal Law & KNOWING”!
    It is done.

  5. Kelley! What a GIFT from GOD YOU Are! I have been blessed by you and following your guidance since 2013… GOD through YOU has never led me wrong-not even one time. Thank you for these beautiful words of Light, Inspiration and Confirmation. You have helped so many people REACH Their Stars; I pray to GOD that ALL You Desire IS Yours–RIGHT NOW!

    For Your Highest!

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