Transform & Transcend

Transforming and Transcending—Soul Evolution

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Did you get the chance to see the movie “Julie and Julia”? It was fantastically fun and deliciously delightful. Meryl Streep is always brilliant and accolades to the talented cast.  What I greatly liked was the movie intuitively demonstrated the process of finding your passion.  How we go about discovering our true life’s calling, our point of brilliance, and how using our unique gifts improves our world. This was story telling at its finest. It was about the story of Julia Child and how she changed the world through cooking. And, a beautiful young woman named Julie, who loved Julia Child so much. She was inspired to create an amazing blog about cooking her recipes for a year.  It was also about true love partnerships the story revealed actual soul mate marriages—being with your highest complimentary partner.

We have the New Moon in discerning Virgo on September 18, 2009. Virgo rules the sixth house of work, health and our service to the world.  Serious Saturn has been in Virgo for the past two years.  This has dramatically changed our workforce with the layoffs, the downsizing, the company closings and the need to revolutionize the health care system.  Now more than ever finding our passion is worth gold.  In the movie Julia Child loves food. She tried other jobs nothing stuck, she even tried making hats it was boring and a “no go” for Julia.  That was how she magically threw herself into cooking school in France, she loves food.  What do you love? Where is your passion? What gives you energy? What provides you with a sense of purpose? Where does your soul feel the greatest connection?

In 1776 ninety-five percent of the population worked for themselves, only five percent worked for other people. Today ninety-five percent work for corporations only five percent are business owners.  People need to be creative to find fresh solutions to their problems, and new ways of living. Many corporations do not encourage creativity from their workforce, this is not only hurting people it is a stupid strategy.

Our economic systems, financial and banking systems have been created to trap the middle class in debt, keeping us as medicated robotic consumers feeding the Matrix.  This is why people stay in jobs they hate. Many good people are in companies that treat them badly. Toxic corporations are why so many people are sick all the time contributing to our health care system being overloaded. We are not utilizing our greatest capital, our most precious asset, PEOPLE.

We have huge problems to solve that will require a creative revolution in thinking and doing. Until January of 2010 we have the Magical Mystery Tour (Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune in Aquarius) empowering people to create advanced star trek technologies that the whole world and universe will want to purchase. Inventions, changing from the ‘status-quo’ to new ways of living will provide the economic stimulus needed for healthy economies.  Additionally, we need fair loans, at low interest rates, based on the true value of products.

“The Cardinal Climax”* astrology 2008-2015 has come to change the world.  This is the much anticipated T-Square between powerful Pluto, shrewd Saturn, and unstoppable Uranus all of whom are system busters. This unprecedented transformational astrology will take the power back from the “power elite”**, who have stolen the wealth of nations and the peoples.  “Pluto’s transit of Capricorn will deal the death blow to the institutional capitalism that we know today. Social hierarchies will be brought down.” –Adrian Ross Duncan I will be discussing this life changing astrology in length next Friday night in Fort Collins, Colorado. I will send out the mp3 recording of the lecture next time and post it on my website under podcasts.

We can’t build the Aquarian values of truth, freedom and equality on corrupt, infested systems that only serve the few and not all of us.  Sometimes things have to fall apart so that we can build new and healthier systems.  Believe me I don’t enjoy the uncomfortable, disorientating, anxiety inducing feelings this astrology creates at times. However, things need to change and not in a cosmetic superficial way. This astrology is calling for real change personally and collectively. This is real growth taking place and these energies create real growing pains. It is time to transform and transcend. Now more than ever, it is so important to follow your passion.  We have the most fun and make the most money doing what we came here to do and working with our passion.  You are the one you have been waiting for; you are the one that came to change the world.  Julia Child did it, in her fifties. Your age is not an excuse to play it small. Julia came alive and brought us out from the doldrums of canned food to French Cuisine all by following her heart’s secret desires—her love and passion for food.  What is your unique gift to the world?

Tools for Transformation and Transcendence—Soul Evolution

Acknowledge that superficial cosmetic changes will not work.  We must go deeper now and come from our inner core.

If money was not a concern for you, what would you be doing?

If you still don’t know go deeper into Self. There are no quick fixes or jack in the box solutions.

Whenever you get stuck in a situation ask Self, “Am I being superficial with this person, situation or relationship?” If the answer is yes, go deeper. If you want to get to the heart of the matter now, we must go deeper.  Cosmetic fixes and superficial solutions will not solve our problems.

Practice being a deep person, meditate. Practice patience. Practice listening.  Hear what is being said. Hear what is not being said.

Make no judgments. Instead, practice Virgo discernment. Practice the Law of Allowing. Forgive Self and Forgive Others.

Our wealth is in our health—mental, spiritual, financial, emotional and physical health. Get plenty of rest, eat well, exercise, play and laugh a lot!

Recognize that what’s up is down. What is down is up. Alice, we are so far down the rabbit hole that many of our systems and beliefs are imploding. As the Buddha has taught us this world is an illusion. What may seem wrong could be right. What we believe to be right and true may in fact be false. Go deep connect to Self/Source.

Your connection to Self/Source is your seat of personal power.

Many people are addicted to their dramas, i.e., coming from and spreading fear. Here we have the poop storm flying in every direction. That is why we must go deeper and not be tripped up by the illusions or sucked into other people’s fears, malice and dramas.

Let go of comparisons (big illusion) remember know one has your chart. Only you have your life lessons. You may think the grass is greener over there…  I promise you, every person always wants their own chart back. Your soul wants her chosen life lessons.  In truth, mastering our life lessons is the only way to evolve and ascend. We chose are charts, our astrology, personality traits, relationships, parents, color, creed, economic status and so on. We chose to be here right now. We chose to be part of this glorious creative revolution into freedom, prosperity, love and spirituality.  Remember that when what you thought would last forever shifts/shapes into another form or evaporates into space.  You chose to transform. You chose to transcend the old outworn elements of Self, into your authentic, responsible, and evolving Selfhood. The hour is late, now is the time to become the person you promised to become and play the role you agreed to play.

We have the most fun, live the greatest joy, when we stop hiding our light and live who-we-truly-are. “Begin telling the story of your desire, and then add to it the details of the positive aspects that you can find that match those desires. And then embellish your positive expectation by speculating with your good-feeling Wouldn’t it be nice if . . . ? examples. You can say things like: Only good things come to me. . . I’ll figure it out as I go along. . .. Every time you tell your better-feeling story, you will feel better and the details of your life will improve. The better it gets, the better it gets.” — Abraham

Love and positive expansion,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kelley Rosano


*The Cardinal Climax is a term created by the astrologer Raymond Merriman

**Power Elite is the term given to the Illuminati, The ICC the International Capitalist Communist Conspirators whom are believed to be the controllers of the resources, corporations, and countries on earth.

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