Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse on June 15 is a powerful Full Moon conjunct the Galactic Center (GC).  Many believe that Creator is using these Eclipses and Solstice to flood our world and all life with God light. The God light is activating every atom, cell and electron in our being. We are being stepped up for the 11-11-11 portal and opening to our higher consciousness and soul expansion.

Thus, these are not typical eclipses that will come, go, and fade away. Given the spiritual force behind the Triad of Eclipses in June and Solstice, There is something wonderful happening. It may be simultaneously shocking and amazing as more truth and revelations emerge. Hold onto your hats!

Many people in high places are falling from power and position because they have been lying and projecting a false ego. Summer of 2011 could be the summer of the worldwide fall of false egos. We, too, need to slay our false ego. It is paramount that we “walk our talk” so to speak and be in our integrity. Honesty is our best defense. We need to take responsibility for our choices and our behavior. The God light is cleansing and purifying everyone. It is flushing out into the open lies, betrayals, false beliefs and false egos.

There has been a wave of reporting news lately on narcissistic powerful men with wicked behavior who have been abusing their power. Additionally, women are not exempt from destructive pathologies as the Casey Anthony trial is demonstrating. The false ego may destroy anything that gets in its way, including a beautiful little girl. The God Light is stirring, awakening the masses, requiring us to examine our dysfunctional, harmful behaviors and our false ego that thrive in duality— 3D (Third Dimension).

At the Eclipse, Creator is requiring us to heal our past, release old wounds, false beliefs and karmic entanglements. We are to eliminate negative patterns and dysfunctional relationships. We are to embrace our Self-worth, Self-acceptance and Self-love. We are to accept our challenges. Face what we must do and do what we must.  Look inward, take action on fine-tuning the Self—heal, release, and restructure you.

Truth telling Sagittarius rules the ninth house of God, beliefs, spirituality, religion, expansion of consciousness, travel abroad and galactic travel. Sagittarius is concerned with the quest for knowledge and truth.  In fiery brave Sagittarius, we are willing to roll the dice and go for broke.  We want to spread our wings and fly higher to freedom.

There are two points on the Moon that are very important. They are the North Node and the South Node. The North Node represents the direction in life we are to go in and the South Node represents where we have come from in our past and past lives. This Eclipse is conjunct the North Node, reinforcing the cosmic message to release the past, let go of what is not working, slay the false ego, cleanse, purify and live our truth.

You must strive to understand your role and purpose for this lifetime. You must turn inward in order to understand who you really are, why you act and react the way you do and how to tap into your greatest talent and potential abilities. This should be your major goal at this time. Reflection, contemplation and active meditation will unlock the mystery of your true Self, and what your major goals are for this lifetime.”—Archangel Michael /Ronna Herman


Sagittarius is the story of the spiritual warrior on his quest Home to Source and the Twin Flame.  On the path of the Ascension, we must slay many dragons within and without. The Soul-Self must take dominion over the false ego to be victorious. The spiritual warrior is vigilant and aware of the ego’s games for self-sabotage.

For instance, if we take the low road in life and pathologically lie. We are out of our integrity. We are damaging to Self and to everyone we touch. The false ego will destroy love if it feels a loss of control. The false ego can eclipse our eternal flow of Well-Being and take us off the path of the Ascension. We have to keep our false ego in check if we are to hold more light, attain 100% full consciousnessFifth Dimension. Are you ready for your freedom from the matrix—3D?

We want to be Divine observers and the masters of detachment. Creator will be initiating us to increase our spiritual strength and Self-Mastery. Spirit sends us teachers and/or situations offering challenging and at times-painful life lessons for our growth opportunities.  This Eclipse in truth and consequences Sagittarius will be offering personal and collective revelations that Creator wants us to know. The truth will set you free, but at first, it may piss you off.  On June 14, 1992 there was a Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse at 24* the same as this one. What changes were you making back then? What are you being called to now? What old beliefs or fears are holding you back from moving forward? What is your truth?


“It is a New Dawn.

It’s a New Day.

It’s a New Life for Me.

And, I am Feeling Good.” ––Michael Bubble`


“Each of us gets to have our own perspective from which we desire or prefer, and Source Energy answers every single one of us. There’s no shortage of Source; there’s no shortage of answers; there’s no shortage of substance. There’s no shortage of all of the stuff or non-stuff that any of us wants – there’s no shortage of it. It expands proportionately to our ability to desire it.”—Abraham

Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano



Tools for Transformation in the June vibration:

♠ What do you need to release?

♠ Purge the old energy patterns that are not serving you.

♠ Do what is healing—heal yourself.

♠ Be true to yourself—to thine own Self be true.

♠ Be a Divine observer.

♠ Be a Master of detachment.

♠ Be brave, accept, and face what you must do.

♠ Remove the static, noise and distractions from your life.

♠ Do what makes you feel empowered.

♠ Strive for heart-centered detachment.

♠ Practice wise-discernment.

♠ Look inward, take action on fine-tuning the Self—heal, release, and restructure you.


As the Phoenix rises from the ashes of the past, we too can recreate ourselves and make a fresh start. We can Begin Again.


We will stay on track even when the road twists, turns and others are sliding off. We can stay strong, resilient and empowered. We keep our minds engaged, focused on inspired action and place our energy on our innovation.

Coming Soon!

This companion workbook accompanies the audio Begin Again you can order here:

Begin Again

4 thoughts on “Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse”

  1. Thank you for your newsletter. I enjoy your take on the full and new moons.
    I really don’t enjoy looking at people from the news though. I get enough of that on MSN when I sign in.
    It’s creepy looking at the latest criminals when I’m doing my morning meditation and personal edification reading.
    For what it’s worth, let the news sites show picture after picture of people we really dont want to look at and keep them off your newsletters 🙂

  2. I appreciate your feedback on the pictures. I want to know what you want more of and less of when reading my blog and/or newsletters. Thank you Nancy!

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