The Aquarius Full Moon on August 10 is a
SuperMoon. It is one in a series of five SuperMoons this year. This makes the Full Moon extra potent and powerful being so close to the Earth. Full Moons bring to your conscious awareness what has laid hidden. What we may have overlooked or not known can become crystal clear. This Full Moon could be an emotional roller coaster ride. It is an opportunity to stand in your truth and rise above the drama. Ground yourself daily. Do what balances you. Step back and do not react when curve balls are thrown at you. Be proactive and not reactive. This will empower you to be effective. You have no control over what other people say or do. Your point of power lies in what you think and do. Own you power. Your power is in the present in this moment.
• What do you need to change?
• What have you been tolerating?
• What supports your balance?
Both Saturn and Uranus are the rulers of Aquarius. On the one hand, you have Uranus in harmony with the Aquarius Full Moon. This aspect invites creativity and courage. On the other hand, Saturn is challenging both lights (the Sun and the Moon.) This can bring into play fear and caution. This is a weird energy. One says stop. The other says go. Also, Saturn and Uranus are in a tense awkward angle. This energy can create tension in your body. One part of you wants to be free to change. The other part of you can be scared to take action. The result is discord. Practice Extreme Self Care. Take good care of you. This is a good time to get a massage. Do what releases your stress. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
• What are your real responsibilities?
• What tasks can you eliminate?
• What are you doing to reduce stress?
The Sun is in creative Leo. Leo reminds you that you are a unique individual. You have come to Earth at this momentous time to share your special gifts with the world. You are here to shine your light. Be your authentic self. Be love. Share your essence. You are to demonstrate your creative self-expression. Aquarius is your need for community. The group you feel is your soul family. Often, people are born to karmic families. For instance, family who taught you that love is pain. Love is conditional. None of this is love. This is fear. Many people find their soul family in the friends. Aquarius reminds you that we are all family. You do not earn or deserve love. Love just is. Love flows to you daily from Creator. You are loved. All Are One.
Venus struts into Leo on August 12. Venus is the Goddess of Love. Venus in Leo encourages both true love and romance. You are to express your love in high style. This energy invites love, beauty and creativity into your life. You could be in love with love. Love you.
Mercury is made stronger when he enters his home sign Virgo on August 15. This will sharpen your mind. It will help to ground your energy. Study the details and do your homework. This will empower you to act effectively. You can work with precision on any task.
Venus and Jupiter unite on August 18. This aspect could open your heart with optimism and inspiration. This is a brilliant astrological event. This also brings the opportunity to increase your prosperity and abundance. Mark your calendar. This is one of the best events of the year. Wherever Leo lands in your natal birth chart is where you are being blessed with love, abundance and expansion.
The Sun brings us back down to earth when it enters Virgo on August 23. All the thinking big you did in Leo can now be put to the test in Virgo. Virgo is the sign of integration and wholeness. Virgo empowers you to apply yourself in practical approaches to your dreams.
• What would you dare to do if you knew you could not fail?
• What action steps can you take to make your goal work?
• What is holding you back?
The Aquarius SuperMoon message is to take good care of you. These are crazy days. You don’t know what to expect next. It is easy to get off balance. Do what supports your balance. Use your intuition. Trust your gut instincts. Love you more than the need for approval. Strengthen your boundaries. Do not walk away from yourself. Accept the real you. Don’t hide your light. Shine your light. Love you more than the need for others to support you. You support you. Goddess will support you. God has unlimited abundance. What you need is inside of you. Go to Goddess for your abundance. Accept who you are. Accept other people for who they are. Merge with your Soul Self and you will be successful. Be creative. Be wise as the serpent and harmless as the dove. Get daily physical exercise. This will help to release your tension and anxiety. This is not the astrology for being sedentary. You want to be building your strength. Go outdoors. Breathe the fresh air. Allow Mother Nature to nurture you. She can heal you. Release what no longer serves you. Align yourself with what you want. Don’t allow anyone including you to get in your way. Be unstoppable. Use the Personal Path Program and you will improve your life.
“Child of mine, I will never do for you that which I know you can do for yourself. I will never rob you of an opportunity to show yourself your ability and talent. I will see you at all times as the capable, effective, powerful creator that you’ve come forth to be. And I will stand back as your most avid cheer-leading section. But I will not do for you that which you have intended to do for yourself. Anything you need from me, ask. I’m always here to compliment or assist. I am here to encourage your growth, not to justify my experience through you.” — Abraham
Love and Peace,
Kelley Rosano
What is on the horizon for you in love, finances, and work?
August Astrology Forecast
Aries you are dancing with delight. You passion is growing. You are ready to expand yourself creatively. You have the opportunity for personal growth and increased wisdom. Your self-confidence and “can do” attitude is contagious. This makes you very attractive. True love and romance are in the stars for you. Artistic projects and all kinds of inventive endeavors are favored. Your increased self-confidence will open doors for you. Jupiter in Leo could be the gateway to your soul purpose. Don’t go back to the tried and true. Burn the past. You are to blaze a new trail. Be bold. Be courageous. Make mistakes. You have to break eggs to make an omelet. Eventually you figure it out. You arrive at your new place in the sun. You are born again into a new life. New love and adventures are waiting for you. Jump in!
August for you Taurus has you focused on your home. Your inner being and soul power are being accentuated. This is the month to build your inner peace. Do what makes you feel safe and secure. Your home life can feel like a beautiful oasis that takes you away from the harshness of the world. Your personal power is growing thanks to Jupiter in Leo. Jupiter can empower you to purchase the right property for you. This is an opportune time to renovate your home or upgrade to a new one. This is a good time to invest in real estate. Trust your gut instincts.
Your mantra in August is, “Challenges are exciting and I look forward to them.” Use your gifts to move past any setbacks you may encounter. Jupiter in Leo is expanding your talent for writing, speaking and teaching. Get your mind focused on what you can do. Release what no longer serves you. This includes old beliefs and negative thought patterns. Jupiter is expanding your new worldview. You perspective and consciousness is growing in wonderful ways. Be hungry for new learning and personal growth. You are the master net-worker. Reach out and connect.
The party is not over Cancer. Yes, Jupiter has moved on to your next door neighbor Leo. However, all that self-improvement work you have been doing is about to pay off in dividends. Jupiter is growing your self-worth, self-respect and self-esteem. Your inner and outer resources are on the rise. You may improve or expand your business. What do you love and value? Jupiter can increase these for you. You need to be focused and determined to achieve your goals. Your material rewards are favored. Be careful what you wish for, you will have it. Fortune is here.
Happy birthday Leo! The world is your oyster. Jupiter is blessing you with your heart’s desire. New contacts, connections and relationships will help you realize your dreams. You are on the fast track to the top. August starts a major cycle of growth and expansion for you. Who you are and what you are capable of is just beginning to be realized. You self-confidence is increasing. Yes, you have been through hell to get here. The painful experiences are your teachers. Keep your outlook on life is positive. There is still work to be done. Take realistic risks and you will have your rewards. Set your intention on your birthday for what you want to create this year.
August sees you in your six-week cycle. This means that six weeks before your birthday. You have the entire solar year lessons compressed into these last six weeks leading up to your birthday. Your birthday is your most sacred day of the year. August is a good time for you to clean out the psychic closets. Release the old memories that are still haunting you. Your psychic gifts are expanding with Jupiter in Leo. Your intuition is being heightened. Your connection to Creator is growing. Focus on your healing and meditation. Jupiter will reveal hidden strength you may have not realized. After your New Moon will be your time to take action. Be patient.
Libra you are feeling the love for your friends and significant others. You know instinctively who to join forces with for they are your allies. Jupiter in Leo has moved into the area of your life that has to do with your hopes and wishes. Jupiter is expanding your luck and fortune. Sudden opportunities for expansion in your work and material gains can come to you now. Unexpected windfalls may drop in your lap. Your vision for the world is front and center in your mind. You are inspired to make your dreams come true. Your friends will help you achieve your goals.
Scorpio your ancient ruler Mars is home with you in August. You may be surprising to others when you ardently express your love for them. No worries. Just be yourself. Jupiter in Leo is expanding your career and reputation in the world. Over the next year, you will have the opportunity to grow and achieve great success in the world if you so desire. This is the brass ring. You want to make the most of this energy. If you wanted a career year, this is the one. You work is getting a cosmic blessing. Take it. Run with it and don’t look back. You star is rising.
You are on fire in August. You are ready to conquer the world. You are packing your bags. You are going on a journey. Jupiter your ruling planet has entered your sister sign Leo. You feel ready for big changes. Don’t wait on other people to make your move. The answers you seek are inside of you. Take action now. Live your life as an adventure. Live each day as a day of Self-discovery. Believe in your dreams coming true. Believe in you. The journey has begun what are you waiting for?
You feel satisfied in August. This may take you by surprise. Your pessimism may try to rear its ugly head. Fight it. Do not allow the negative ego to trick you out of feeling good. Feeling good is your divine right. Be in the moment. Do what supports your balance. Your intuition is heightened. You know and see much more than words can describe. Trust your instincts. Your financial foundation can grow now that Jupiter is in Leo. Enjoy your life. Be secure in the knowledge that you have the tools to overcome any problems along the way.
Love is in the air for you Aquarius. Your dance card is full to the brim. You can do the two-step. Take care of you. Nourish and nurture your relationships. Jupiter is in Leo. Your relationships are being upgraded. You feel appreciated. This is a great time to meet someone new. You could attract your soul mate. He or she could be from a foreign country. You will have the opportunity to connect with people who will expand your world. You are grateful for the support you feel.
You may have burned the candle on both ends in July. August has you paying the bill. Your body is a messenger. What is your body saying to you? Take good care of you. Eat well and exercise. Do what grounds you. Do what supports your balance. Jupiter is in Leo. Jupiter is expanding your work and health habits. Your wealth is in your health. The stronger you are physically. The more you can accomplish in your service to the world. Serve you first then all else will fall into place. Love you more than the need to____ fill in the blank.
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Love and the Law of Attraction
You can purchase your copy here on Amazon Thank You!
or click on the book
Harness the Power of Intention to Create the Love You’ve Been Dreaming Of
Are you currently single or questioning whether your partner is your soul mate? Do you seek to deepen the connection you have in your relationship now? People from all over the world are utilizing the exercises contained in this revolutionary book to manifest the unique soul mate relationship they’ve been dreaming of.
This simple, step-by-step guide will help you create a long-lasting relationship that is rooted in intimacy of all kinds – spiritual, emotional, sexual and intellectual – creating a continuous source of joy and inspiration in your life.
Drawing on years of experience, the author traces a path toward true love by revealing:
• How to let go of the past and develop the Self Love needed to find your soul mate
• Discover love for your body and make space for true love to enter your life
• Easy, targeted exercises that will manifest your soul mate relationship
• Tests to reveal if your current partner is your one true love
• How to peacefully transition out of an unhealthy relationship
• Re-ignite the love you share in your existing relationship with specific techniques that will awaken your soul mate relationship today
Love & The Law of Attraction will provide the tools you need to walk through life filled with love, devotion and possibility. Knowing that the powerful Law of Attraction is always at work, this book will help guide your intentions toward what you truly desire.
Opening Your Creative Pathways
The Law of Attraction and the creative power of intention have been covered at length by many authors over the years. I imagine if you’ve picked up this book you are already a powerful co-creator in your life or possess the desire to awaken the energy that will allow you to manifest your dreams.
The intention for this book is to provide focused exercises that will light your life with love. Utilizing the affirmations contained in the pages of this book will promote a way of living with passion and spiritual connection to the world around you.
I encourage you to focus your energy on the chapters that pertain to your story. This book is not designed to be read in sequence but rather to serve as a workbook for finding the love you dream to discover. You are to journal your development and come back to the exercises as your intention evolves and begins to manifest.
Know that Spirit does not wish for you to be alone. Spirit wants you to be joyful – the indicator of an individual tapped into the energy that creates worlds.
What is a Soul Mate?
Your soul mate is at the center of your spiritual family. This individual is a soul of light whom you feel a compatible energy for and with whom you intuit an enigmatic connection. Soul mates share an inner soul knowing, a soul recognition, and déjà vu, such as the feeling of meeting a long lost friend. A person can be enveloped in a joyful homecoming in the presence of their soul mate. You have the feeling of an effortless companion who will accept you unconditionally.
Soul mate relationships are powerful forces of love that can dissolve anger, hate, prejudice, and pride – replacing negative emotion with love, peace and unity. The tremendous power of a soul mate’s true love is not only transformative. This love has the ability to end war and bring harmony on a global scale. This is why Spirit is uniting Soul Mates. The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Soul Mate Love. This is True Love.
All unions are essential for our soul evolution. No relationship is a mistake. Our relationships serve as opportunities for learning, acceleration on our life path, JOY and mutual growth. Soul mates come together when we have reached a higher level of self-acceptance, interdependence and wholeness. You must be the Soul Mate to you first, in order to attract your True Love.
We were all born with an innate knowing that somewhere out there is someone who knows our soul like none other. S/he will love you unconditionally, a true love that will champion your dreams and accepts your imperfections. Whether you meet your soul mate early in life, or have spent many years on a single path. Know that you possess the power to manifest this person at exactly the right time. Timing is everything! This is why it is important to know your personal astrology. Your astrology will reveal when you are most likely to meet your True Love.
Chapter 1: Your First Love
The process of allowing your soul mate to enter your life begins with you. The unique love you give to yourself. Focusing on your limitations, imperfections and the wrongdoings of the past, hold your soul away from allowing the love you deserve to enter your life.
Remember, the law of attraction is always working. You will find evidence of your thoughts all around you. If you want to manifest the person of your dreams, you must first tell a blissful story about where your life is headed.
It would be a lie to say that after you have worked through this stage of personal development you will love everything about yourself. We all have small quirks that we wish we could change, and often find the things we loathe about ourselves mirrored in our lovers. Know that the path to self-acceptance requires a period spent building a solid connection to your Inner Being and Source.
The road away from loneliness and unhealthy relationships begins when we merge our Soul with our Higher Self. This is a personal sacred relationship between Self and Source. This holy union is nurtured in your alone time. Your independence of others and time free from external influences are required. In other words, when you fall in love with Source your Soul Self flourishes.
As a result, your Soul awakens bringing outrageous abundance, peace, joy and love into your life. Only people who have become who they really are will be ready for their soul mate. Soul mates are interdependent; two individuals united in purpose and bound by heart-centered love. Soul mate relationships occur by pre-life soul agreements.
Can I be in an Unhealthy Relationship with My Soul Mate?
If you do not love and take care of yourself, then all the good works you do in the world, are for what real purpose? If you or a partner demonstrates toxic behavior this is not authentic love or anything close to a soul mate partnership. Also, ignoring your problems only keeps them smoldering beneath the surface until one day they blow up.
Allowing abusive behavior under the disguise of a soul mate relationship can lead to years of suffering. Playing the victim only perpetuates and attracts more negativity and draws abuse your way. If you are in direct violation with your own integrity, the mind and body will weaken. Leaving you unable to hide from the powerful negative energy you attract your way. What is the answer to this dilemma you may ask?
Love, love and love yourself. Practice extreme Self-care daily. If you need a time out from work, take it! If you need to set boundaries with others, do not delay. If you need assistance in getting strong and out of a bad situation, seek help from your loved ones today. Pull up your power from deep inside you.
Birthday Report (Solar Return Chart Reading)
Happy Aquarius Full Moon!
August Astrological Events
Mars square Jupiter August 1
Mars trine Neptune August 7
Sun conjunct Mercury August 8
Sun trine Uranus August 8
Aquarius Full Moon August 10
Venus enters Leo August 12
Mercury enters Virgo August 15
Venus conjunct Jupiter August 18
Sun enters Virgo August 23
Virgo New Moon August 25
Mars conjunct Saturn August 25
Venus square Saturn August 26
Sun oppose Neptune August 29
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All our Astrology reports, such as our popular Astro*Talk, provide you with a detailed analysis of your birth chart. Astro*Talk is road map of who you uniquely are. Astro*Talk shows you where you are going in on your life path.
The Friends report and The Lovers report reveal not only how you approach relationships in general. The Friends Report and the Lovers Report show how you get along with a particular lover and/or friend. What is just as important? How they feel about and get along with you.
Any one of our Forecast Reports takes you as you are today. We then proceed to lay out a road map of where you might be tomorrow, the day after that, and for months ahead.
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amazing! Kelley Your newsletters are so full of insight and this one was particularly encouraging!?. Thank you Kevin