Aries Full Moon

The seasonal wheels of change are churning up the heat on our personal and collective transformation. On September 22 the sun shifts into Libra, we have the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and spring starting south of the equator. Just six hours later, we have a Full Moon in Aries opposing the Sun in Libra. Here again, our action orientated “Cardinal Consciousness” is activated by this intensely powerful Full Moon igniting eight oppositions and fifteen squares between the influential slower moving planets Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and the North Node by our faster moving sun and moon. This is one huge heaven-of-a-Full Moon. The cosmic message is: There is no going back. There is only going forward. We are launching into our new perspectives, new way of being, new lifestyle, new work and forming new alliances. Together with new partners we will be in a new purpose. Late Bloomers will be rewarded for all their hard work. The ugly duckling can transform into the beautiful swan. An individual can go from “rags to riches”. A lonely person can discover true love. If we use the adversity to build character, we can cultivate new found talents, skills and abilities. Out of the ashes of what was, we go deeper into Self and pull-out our power. Our strength is born out of our suffering, and our determined Spirit that can keep coming back for more, eventually taking us to successful outcomes and the lessening of our struggles. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for our pain, obstacles, delays, loss and frustrations.

Eight Oppositions awaken deep social awareness inside having to do with our relationship to our relationships. All of life is relationships; even if you are single or not interested in a romantic union. You are a having a relationship with Self. You are having a relationship with your environment, your work, your money, your health, your body, your creativity, your friends, your family and our Creator. The biggest relationship of our life is with Self and it is through our Higher Self that we connect with our Creator: our unlimited source of abundance, wealth, and power. If we practice “conscious awareness” we can own our power and make “right choices” based on our core values and our truth. This is how we live authentically and powerfully; living life driven by who-we-really-are the inner Self and outer Self in harmony. This Libra cycle will teach us about our alliances and the balance or imbalance in our giving and receiving. The bottom line, we are changing our relationship to our relationships.

Fifteen Squares are vast internal processes that demand real and not cosmetic change. Peacekeeper Libra may want to preserve appearances and harmony at all costs. We are creatures of habit. However, Saturn and Pluto love to strip us of our illusions and false attachments. Saturn will demand the truth or face the consequences. Pluto can make the burden of status quo so intense it forces us to change. In truth, the planets only take that which is obsolete. The universe will not take what you need to go forward and experience new opportunities… if we are open. If we shift our perspective we will get a new view, away from focusing on loss, regret, and hardship, giving way to clarity, understanding and wisdom. We can ride the Cardinal Wave of Evolutionary Change to higher ground and a better life. It is through cooperation, sharing, compassion and our strong alliances with others that we will not only survive each crisis. We are learning to turn crisis into breakthrough.

The Libra sun and the Aries moon are ruled by our passionate lovers Venus and Mars living together in sizzling Scorpio. Mars is in ecstasy in Scorpio. He loves to survey the world with Venus at his side. Mars has all that he desires in steamy Scorpio together with Venus his lover, partner and confidant. In the Libra love vibration, important alliances are to be formed for purpose and passion. We are looking at the value in our relationships. We want to have mutually empowering alliances. Did you know that soul mates have a role together that is not just romantic? Soul mates are friends who work together in groups to enlighten, inspire, and produce positive change in the world. Why not be open to new ideas, new friends, new work, a new lifestyle and a new perspective? The more flexible, willing, and open we are the easier it will be to move forward. I believe that the universe wants us to upgrade our relationships even taste the richness of love. We are moving from the obsolete karmic entanglements with their painful learning experiences, to aligning with people that care and challenge us in healthy ways. Timing is everything. For some folks true love is on the way. Make room!

Our once in a lifetime “Cardinal Consciousness” astrology, we are experiencing, offers all life, all living beings on beloved Earth/Gaia a new download from the universe into our brains. In other words, we are all getting a new program from the universe via this powerful astrology. Our spirit, mind, and body upgrade empowers us to step up with the new energy, and reboot with new tools to master our new challenges, new opportunities, new situations and our new relationships. The good news is that you don’t need a credit card to get the new program. You only need an open mind and a willingness to advance on your path. The universe is downloading our upgrade free of charge. Thank you!

After our upgrade, there really is no going back only going forward. It is time to radically shift our perspective, approach and direction. Even if you are in the same job or marriage, you have changed on the inside. You have a new perspective a new world view. Remember that, freedom is not flying around in airplane all day with no responsibilities, shouting “Yahoo, look at me, I’m free, I’m free!!” We can’t have a happy ending to an unhappy journey. Freedom comes from taking full responsibility for our happiness and appreciating where we are today. We don’t have to eliminate our current structures or relationships to experience liberation. Instead, we have to be who-we-really-are to have real freedom. You could be with the love of your life and still be depressed. Happiness comes from within and having a strong spiritual foundation. Each day new truths and new prospects will appear. If we stay open to what the universe is showing us and replace expectations with acceptance. We may find ourselves in a better place we thought could happen and reaching our heart’s desires. Dreams really do come true.

The road could get bumpy up ahead at the end of September and early October. The Sun will have to pass over frustrating Saturn and punishing Pluto, who are the gatekeepers to our wish fulfillment. These trolls require payment from us to move forward on our path. Something must be given up in order for something new to be gained. Pluto and Saturn always exact a price to pay in order to get what we want. What is the cost for your new lifestyle, new work or staying where you are? In this season of climatic change the Cosmic Simon Says: “Take a giant step forward.” If we seek solutions to our most pressing problems with patience and perseverance, we will be fruitful and productive in the days ahead. If we make sure that the people we are investing our precious time, energy and heart in are worthy. We will be rewarded for all our striving, struggling, patience, and compassion. That is the promise.

Get clear with what you really want, then make your commitment, and don’t look back.

Love and Blessings,

Kelley Rosano

Questions to consider navigating our Cardinal Consciousness Astrology:

What was happening for you in June?

What issues are still in play?

Do you feel a connection to your life, work and relationships?

What qualities and value do you bring to your relationships?

What do you need to give up in gaining something new?

Have you been ignoring your principals to keep up appearances and harmony at all costs?

Do you need a new life purpose?

Is it time for a new life direction?

Are you ready to turn a crisis into a breakthrough?

Can you be open to new ideas?

Can you be open to new opportunities?

Can you be open to a new Self-perspective?

Are you ready to shed the old roles?

Are you ready for a completely new lifestyle based on who you are today?

What action steps can you take right now to improve your situation?

What options are opening up for you?

What does your heart really want?

What do you really want in your relationships?

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