Libra New Moon ~ Be the Change Agent for Your Life

The Libra New Moon on October 4 is a potent New Moon.  In fact, this could be the most powerful New Moon in 2013. It is a grand square New Moon. That is four squares and two oppositions. You are getting a new beginning in the area of your life that the New Moon occurs in your natal birth chart.  A major life change is upon you.

The Libra New Moon is building you toward the intense Pluto/Uranus square on Nov 1. This is the fourth exact aspect in a series of seven. These Pluto/Uranus exact squares will occur through March of 2015. Your life may be changing dramatically and rapidly. Surprising events can occur. Expect the unexpected. There can be good news. You could get a promotion. You could meet a soul mate. You could receive a needed push in the right direction. You may be feeling restless or anxious. These potent energies are changing you to the core of your being. You are being awakened to your soul desires.


  • Are you ready for a fresh start?
  • Are you ready to break through the false limitations?
  • Are you ready to move from fear to freedom?


Relationship issues are front and center at the New Moon. You are in relationship with Self, Creator and other people. You are in relationship with your money, astrology, health and so on. Libra rules fairness, balance and justice. Uranus the awakener is opposing the New Moon. Uranus is bringing to your attention certain aspects in your relationships that you may have not considered. What is not built on Love and Truth cannot last in this climate of change. There needs to be balance and fairness in your unions. We need justice in our lives, governments and intuitions. Release and let go of what is not working and/or serving you. The most important relationship you are having is with you. Without you nothing in the world really matters… now does it?


  • What is changing for you?
  • What is fair, just and balanced for you?
  • What do you want?
  • What do you want in your relationship?
  • What do you want in your work?


Uranus is awakening your real emotional wants and needs. This is a wake-up call. This is about sweeping your life clean. Belief systems can crumble, routines and relationships may breakdown. Structures that you have built up are challenged. Things that you may have thought were reliable and dependable end. For a cycle you may feel adrift, in transition. Then new doors open and new chapters begin.  You are ushered into a new phase of life. Ultimately, the changes and/or losses place you squarely on a new path that you are supposed to be traveling. Your eyes open to the beauty of all that is you.

Pluto squares (challenges) the Libra New Moon. Pluto rules death and rebirth. You may have to encounter powerful pressures and forces exerted upon you from inside you and externally. Pluto is testing you forcing you to make radical changes in your life. Shift out of old patterns of behavior that are not serving you. Create the space for positive creative change to enter your life. What is not working Pluto will breakdown. Relationships, machinery and/or situations may breakdown.  You are to breakthrough into a new and better life. Some people may be on a power trip with Pluto challenging both lights (Sun and Moon). Transformation occurs as you release situations and relationships that no longer serve your life purpose. Become who you truly are, rather than who you think you are supposed to be. This is the true meaning of transformation. These planets will only take what is obsolete. They will not take what you need for your soul evolution. Do what empowers you. Be the change agent for your life.


  • How are you using your power?
  • What is breaking down?
  • Where do you need a breakthrough?


Pluto can create confrontations with other people. This can be beneficial if you are using it to clear the air. Know where you stand.  However, if you are verbally or physically abusive, this is the dark ugly side of Pluto. Guilt, jealousy and manipulation are the ego’s way of controlling you. This is not love. This is fear. Don’t be a tool for the dark forces. Don’t surrender your power by allowing another to control you. Remember that the truth works. If something is not true it will not work for you. What is your truth? If you find yourself in a power struggle, the best thing to do is be honest about how you feel. Try to create a win/win and/or a compromise in the relationship or situation.  Seek out what is fair, just and balanced. If you are feeling guilty about something that means you are supposed to do it. Guilt means that you are going in the right direction! This runs contrary to religious rearing that has falsely taught us that we are worthless guilty sinners.

Jupiter squares (tests) both the Sun and the Moon at the New Moon.  Jupiter makes everything it touches inflate, including egos.  Some people can act out with arrogance and self righteousness, crushing everyone on their path who does not agree with them. Jupiter is expanding the Pluto/Uranus square. This can make some people behave badly. Watch out for over extending yourself, biting off more than you can chew.  The energy is going to be super intense. What is helpful is to ground, balance and center yourself daily. Trust your instincts. Be fearless. Move forward. Today is the first day of your new life.

The divine lovers Venus and Mars are squaring (testing) each other. Venus and Mars are also semi-squaring (irritation) the Libra New Moon. Venus and Mars are bringing up your relationship issues and concerns. Love/hate relationships, sexual passion and intense attractions could occur. This New Moon will test your relationships. Ego tensions that have built up could come to a head now. This energy can create discord and arguments. The need for patience, clarity and compromise are desired now. Stuck in a rut? These aspects could move you out of a dead end relationship, situation or job. This will empower you to get on with your life. You will feel the Joy return when you reclaim your heart.  Love you more than the need for a relationship. Venus rules what you love and value. Mars rules your will, ambition and drive in life. The cosmic message is loud and clear. Do not allow the externals to define you. You define you. You determine what success is for you. Lasting happiness can only be found by being who you truly are and aligning with your core values. The seed is within itself. All that you need is inside you. Cultivate your inner strength. Trust your power. Be bold. Be courageous. Do what supports your balance.

A sigh relief comes when Venus enters Sagittarius October 7. Venus in Sagittarius brings out her generous and optimistic side. Venus wants travel, adventure and fun. Venus in Sagittarius is about freedom, wisdom and truth. Mars enters Virgo October 15. Mars thrives in hard working Virgo. Mars in Virgo is industrious, practical and diplomatic.  Watch out for the tendency to worry and fuss over the little things. Wherever the mind goes energy follows. It is wiser to think about nothing than to use your mind to worry. The Law of Attraction draws to us what we think about. There is no such thing as “no” in an attraction based universe. Everything means “yes” come to me. This includes what you like/dislike and love/hate. This is why you focus on what is working. This is why you center on love not fear.  This makes your life changes flow with ease and grace. Focus on all the good in your life. More good will come to you. The ego clings to the familiar. Your soul wants empowerment. Your mind wants liberation. Be brave. Be free. Soar. The Libra New Moon is here to recharge your soul.


“I am moving through my changes with grace and comfort.”


The Libra New Moon message is to be the change agent for your life. It is far better to be the agent of change than to have Pluto and Uranus force change upon you. The winds of change are blowing. These are intense times. Resistance creates struggle. Instead, pivot into a new direction. Be proactive. Be flexible, move with the energy. You are building towards the exact Pluto/Uranus square on November 1. You want to navigate the breakdowns, the highs and lows of this potent energy. Move forward. You are doing the best you can. It is okay not to be perfect. It is good to be human. You are hero for being willing to go through such massive growth and change. Love is all around you. The Angels applaud you every step of the way home. You are Ascending.

“Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I would not be feeling this negative emotion. What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want. . . . In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction will stop; and in the moment the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin. And—in that moment—your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the Process of Pivoting.” ~ Abraham

Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano



Happy New Moon in Libra!

Libra New Moon ~ Be the Change Agent for Your Life

October Astrological Events

Libra New Moon October 4

Venus enters Sagittarius October 7

Mars enters Virgo October 15

Aries Lunar Eclipse Oct 18

Mercury Retrograde October 21 — Nov 10

Sun enters Scorpio October 23

Happy Halloween October 31

Pluto Square Uranus November 1

Scorpio Solar Eclipse November 3

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