Lunar Eclipse

On June 21st celebratory summer will arrive in the northern hemisphere; where we are enjoying the great outdoors, parties and an appreciation for life.  The current events and powerful astrology of 2010 has affected all of us personally and collectively. One would have to be in a coma not to be experiencing dramatic events, significant change and new positioning.  On June 26th the drama continues as we have an incredibly powerful full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn (responsibility, business, and serious) with the sun in Cancer (home, security, and nurturing). This eclipse is extremely important for all of us because it creates a definite separation from what has gone before and what is coming into our lives now.

We can see the problems facing our people are mammoth from the economy to energy it is clear that we need a change in beliefs, ideas, policies and in our obsolete systems.  We are indeed facing tough choices, unpleasant situations, and disappointing outcomes (the gulf coast). Our Capricorn eclipse is also a grand square that usually means four squares and two oppositions. This lunar eclipse has twelve squares and six oppositions increasing the challenges we face and also the opportunity to make quantum leaps.  We can be launched from this eclipse if we are willing to embrace the new opportunities being offered. Squares represent dramatic turning points where we are forced to make changes.  Oppositions are awareness’s that come to us through external events or people; where we are projecting our power or behavior onto others that we must take ownership for in order to be self-empowered and independent.

We are at a crossroads what will we choose in our personal lives and as a people? I believe we have a tremendous opportunity here to change directions and empower people. The planets only take that which is obsolete. They will not take what you need for your soul evolution or your life path destiny.  We are at a major turning point in our history.  The planets will give us a way onward to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and move forward.  This is not a time of resolution to long standing problems or issues. Instead, it is about being open to observing yourself, your life path, and your choices from a new light, a greater perspective, and seeing the “bigger picture.”  Don’t be surprised if you awake one morning this summer and find yourself on a new life path. A new journey is underway you are going somewhere different; somewhere you have never been before. You will see a definitive separation of what has gone before in your life and where you are going may be quite unexpected.  We are being launched into a new life and understanding.  We can use this eclipse to take a leap of faith and move forward on our path. We want to practice acceptance not resistance. Insistence is also a form of resistance. We can let go of attachment to our false identities, false securities, stale roles and relationships. Instead of seeing what is happening in terms of good or bad, why not take what is happening as an opportunity to follow your heart’s true desires?  There has ever been a better time than now to tune out the noise and follow your own inner guidance.  What is in your heart?  If money were not a concern for you what would you be doing with your life?  Where is your passion?  What makes you feel empowered? What do you dream about in life, work and love?  We have no control over external events. Our power lies in keeping the faith, staying open to the sights and sounds of new opportunities. Being experimental and trying new things, getting out of our comfort zones and evolving.  The planets will provide us with a safety-net, a safe place for decision making even under the duress of forced changes in work, health, finances, and family. There will be room to maneuver options that take the rough edges off of the situations we may find ourselves placed in.  We just have to stay aware and willing when our time comes to be launched in our new direction.

“You are on the leading edge of thought, taking thought beyond that which it has been before. Who cares what thoughts have led up to this. You’re standing in the fresh now, and many of the thoughts that you vehemently oppose are the very thoughts that have given you the desire that has attracted the clarity of where you now stand. No matter how awful you think they might be, all were of value in the evolution forward. Every one of them.” -Abraham

Let go of what is no longer working for you. Jump on your new path and be launched.  You could be pleasantly surprised by the new joys, gifts and blessings waiting around the corner just for you. I will be back in two weeks for the solar eclipse in Cancer until then eat well, exercise, play, dance, sing and laugh a lot! Happy Father’s Day!

Love and Abundance,

Kelley Rosano

3 thoughts on “Lunar Eclipse”

  1. Kelley,

    Wow, some interesting stuff here to grasp, and wouldn’t you know my birthday is on the 26th.

  2. This rings very true with what I’m experiencing in my life right now. Thanks so much for your great insights about astrology. I love to read them.

    A week ago, I was unexpectedly invited to attend a world wide conference for social change (activists and Non-Government Agencies) in Libya, July 6-9, and able to bring 2 colleagues from my business, with no charge for travel or accommodations. Amazing!!! I was invited by a networking buddy from CEO Space who tried my Egyptian Healing Rods almost 2 years ago and remembered them and my vibrational medicine work. Totally out of line with what I expected. But then, it’s a chance of a lifetime, to meet people I would never be exposed to in my everyday life. We’re going.

    And then there’s my trip to Egypt in October, which I did expect and plan, so I can finish my book about _Egypt through the Eyes of an Initiate_… This is the book that has been trying to come through for years and is over ½ complete. All definitely putting me on a new trajectory. Terrifying and terrific all at the same time!

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