Mars Turns Direct Today in Leo

The heat is on Mars turns direct today in Leo. This is indeed a great blessing for us all. He has been retrograde (asleep) since December 20, 2009. We have to also consider that his slow down period really began last fall. Have you been feeling lost in transition? Tired, out of sorts, and not sure what your next step is? Have you been feeling like a jet plane sitting on the runway waiting for months for takeoff from the control tower?  Good news, your wait is almost over and soon you will be flying forward into new horizons of your making. What do you want to create? What gives you passion? What are you excited about? What new ideas have been simmering on your stove?

I have loved astrology since I was child and have studied it for over forty years. I have been in full practice for the past fifteen years.  This retrograde cycle of Mars in Leo has taught me personally about how important this planet is in our lives. Having Mars retrograde in my own sign of Leo has been very humbling to say the least.  Waiting is for wimps (has been my personal motto.) I am most happy moving at light speed with my hair on fire.  For us action orientated individuals, Mars moving in slow motion has been agony, and personally not my cup of tea. Yet, experiencing this retrograde cycle for myself and observing it in the lives of others, has taught me a new respect for Mars significance; for without Mars in play, not only is life a struggle, we are forced to muddle through to get things done, and the bottom line, we can’t move forward.  The moral of my story, Mars is tremendously significant in our personal lives and his importance and power is not to be underestimated. Oh yes, I know, good things come to those who wait (boring).

Mars ruler of Aries and Scorpio symbolizes initiative, courage, action, daring, aggression, leadership, drive, physical energy, heat, sexual passion and the willingness to face challenges.  If we are born with a strong Mars in our birth chart we have the power and strength to overcome obstacles, act independently, pioneer fresh ideas, assert ourselves and deal with the competition.  If you have been waiting for a sign form the universe that fresh starts are ready to commence for you Mars moving forward is it!

Mars also rules work, projects, important men, leaders and money. If you have been experiencing delays and obstacles, the heat will now be turned up and get you and the other significant folks in your life moving forward again. Remember that timing is everything. You not only have your timing, you also have to consider the timing of others who will play an important role in your life.

One reminder, we will need to be patient a bit longer for although Mars is direct, you know how you feel in the morning when you first wake up. We need time to remind ourselves wake up sleepy head get back in your body, move slowly and take our time. You need your coffee, a shower and to get ready for your day.  Mars too needs to realize he is awake, moving forward and building momentum. His energy and strength will develop in March. In April he will be flying forward and so will we be forward focused delightfully enjoying all our fresh activity. Energized and ready to take on new starts, new projects, new work, new careers and new relationships. Happy New Year! Spring is ten days away and don’t forget the clocks move forward, Spring Ahead on Sunday. Hip, hip hooray!  “It is so wonderful, when someone gets an idea and is able to hold it purely enough that an entire movement or corporation will follow in behind it, because the movement of that Energy benefits everyone.” -Abraham

Love and Positive Action,

Kelley Rosano

2 thoughts on “Mars Turns Direct Today in Leo”

  1. Barbara Fletcher

    This is just another sign that this is the year when I will fully realize
    why I’m here and get on with things! I turned 60 last year and ever since
    I’ve been so different–I feel more, anticipate more, am pursuing activities
    designed specifically to push through my last subconscious blocks and activate
    goals and dreams that have been hidden from me all this time. This Mars direct
    energy in Leo is perfect support for all my activities! Happy New Year indeed!

  2. Barbara you are born again which demonstrates age is just a number. Life is all about how we feel. We have no control over the externals or what others do or choose our power lies in the choices we make and the action we take. How exciting for you that you have reincarnated without changing bodies this means you can start fresh and take all of your wisdom with you. It really is the start of 2010 because when January first rolled around both Mars and Mercury the messenger were retrograde (moving backwards) and we were also being slammed by two major eclipses. Keep up the great work you inspire me.

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