Pisces Full Moon

The wild waves of transformation continue to wash over us today as contractive Saturn opposes expansive Jupiter in the second of three events that started on May 23 and finish on March 28, 2011. The tug-of-war between these planetary giants indicates that it’s now time to restore balance to our lives where we have pushed ahead hastily or where we are fearfully holding back advancement. The good news is that Saturn, the great initiator is moving on from the “Cardinal Climax” of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. Thus, the unrelenting stress, uncertainty and uncomfortability we are experiencing will begin to diminish late summer and early fall. Saturn is exalted in Libra for it is through relationships that we grow in grace. If a person lives on a mountain top s/he would have no problems. Only through patience, endurance, responsibility and humility can we learn to relate to other people. Saturn demands cooperation not competition. Saturn in Libra will have a huge impact on marriages, divorces, business partnerships and all relationships over the next two years. Saturn rules integrity, good judgment and diplomacy. He will test the structure and foundation of our relationships. The great awakener Uranus has just moved back into dreamy Pisces and is now in mutual reception with Neptune in Aquarius. This will lessen the anxiety and cushion the blow from the accelerated growth we must embrace. Uranus does not reenter Aries until March 11, 2011; when Uranus will catalyze significant breakthroughs and colossal changes for everyone. From now until March we can use this time to reflect on what has happened and think about where we want to go from here. “Simple living brings ease to your existence. Look at your life and set aside all that is unnecessary. Living simply, brings ease.” –Ivo/Lisa Dorr

On August 24th we have a Pisces full moon and the sun has just entered earthy Virgo. Virgo separates what is essential from what is irrelevant. Virgo teaches us how to take our ideas and aspirations and put them into action. Virgo the Goddess of Purity provides the healthy grounding we need to be effective and on path both personally and professionally.  At the full moon, magical potent Pluto makes a harmonious aspect to both the sun and the moon. This can turn your dreams (Pisces) into reality (Virgo).

Just before the full moon Mercury the messenger, the God of Communication will turn retrograde in Virgo on August 20-September 14th. Mercury rules messages, telephones, all communications, scheduling changes, transportation, electronic equipment, computers, cars, and travel. He is very important in all business decisions. The Mercury retrograde cycle is best utilized for redoing, reworking, rewriting, revisiting, reinventing, researching, pre-planning, reconnecting, rebuilding, reevaluating, reconsidering, clean up, and catching up on work. A Mercury retrograde cycle is not the best time to sign contracts, or launch new projects, products or services. If we are patient and remember that the devil is in the details. We can sail through rough waters and not lose our way.

The divine lovers Venus and Mars are together in Libra and then in Scorpio until the middle of October when Venus will turn retrograde. Our cosmic lovers tango through the universe creating fertile opportunities for romance, inspiration, connections and true love. We can experience soul mate relationships. We can enjoy partnerships based on equal relating and mutual empowerment.  We can channel Mars and Venus into new activities, new projects and productivity. Resistance is futile with Saturn and Pluto making their final square on August 21st, keeping the heat on, and demanding real, not cosmetic changes in our lives.  If we are patient, persistent and practical we can use this powerful phase to increase our own self-mastery.  People who are following their intuition and inner guidance to release stale relationships, negative situations and toxic work environments are doing much better than those who are resisting their inner guidance to make these needed changes.

If you have been playing it safe, following all the rules and ignoring your heart’s desire for security; only to feel lost, confused and off your path. Then what is holding you back from going after what you really want? I mean reach for your truth. Perhaps money is not a concern for you. You are ready for more, to advance. You seek fresh experiences, exciting adventures, and the joyful expansion of you. Is it time for a breakthrough? Where is your passion? What gives your life meaning and purpose? Do you long for your soul mate? What would you dare to dream and do if you knew you could not fail? You don’t have to be rich or famous to make a difference or contribute value. You just have to be the best version of you. We are on the threshold, at the beginning of a new way of thinking, living, working and sharing. Even in a climate of change, chaos and crazy. You can thrive in transition. You can allow yourself to work through the birth of your new conscious awareness, the birth of the new you and your new ways of creating opportunities. “People say, ‘The joy is in the journey,’ but they rarely understand what they are saying. You are in this focused time/space reality with goals and objectives that call you because as you identify a desire it literally summons life through you. Life summoning through you is what it’s all about, not the completion of anything.” –Abraham

Love and Abundance,

Kelley Rosano

5 thoughts on “Pisces Full Moon”

  1. Hi Kelley,

    This is a great newsletter especially about Saturn in Libra!
    Yes, we will have to transform our relationships or LET GO of them and this will be the time!!!

  2. Hi Kelley,
    Great newsletter! Saturn in Libra- Yes- Transformation in relationships or just LET GO!!!

  3. We want to release and let go of what no longer serves us. In this way, we can be ready for receiving a greater love, deeper friendships and a life that demonstrates inner beauty.

  4. Thank you for letting me know that it’s possible to breathe in a deeply felt sigh and exhale it with the sense of joyous relief that perhaps what has been felt as tremendous emotional pressure (from all directions) is easing. I’m guessing it’s just a respite but I will be happy for the easing. Saturn, Uranus, Pluto inputting their powerful energy helping those of us who are ready and grateful for the opportunity to grow to meet the demands of the new times, but we have to have a structure that can handle all that energy. Amen!

  5. I am thrilled to be able to encourage people that 2010’s mammoth intensity will be easing up. The energy has really been affecting us on so many levels. That we need time to digest what has occurred this year and especially this summer. I think by late fall we will be looking back and asking “What just happened? What was that?” We are still in the fire so it is difficult to fully comprehend the depth of this transformation. Keep riding the wave and I will see you on the other side.

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