Despite appearances, we have the power. Free will is the ultimate law in this universe and when a critical mass of people makes a decision for the planetary liberation and insists long enough, that liberation inevitably comes. This is the highest natural law and the Cabal will have to obey it, willingly or unwillingly, and release the surface of this planet to humanity.
This project has proven beyond reasonable doubt (the odds against chance are more than a trillion to one) that unified human consciousness does have an effect that is far from random:
This project has found out that Peace Portal Activation (p=0.027) has affected global consciousness more than any event since beginning of 2013, except for Nelson Mandela’s »death« in December last year (p=0.013). It had more effect than resignation of the former Pope (p=0.087), election of the current Pope (p=0.186), Boston false flag event (p=0.765) and Sochi Olympics (p=0.202)! And about the same effect as the 9-11 false flag event in 2001 (p=0.031):
Factor p represents probability that a certain event generated its effects by chance. It is a fairly good measure of a global coherence of consciousness on the surface of the planet. The lower the number, the more powerful the coherence of consciousness is.
We can influence the coherence of consciousness on the planet everyday, not only at portal activations. Exposing truth through the alternative media and mass protests, if they persist long enough, are the most effective ways to achieve that coherence. When the critical mass of truth will be exposed through alternative media, it will trigger a chain reaction of the planetary awakening which will be synchronized with the Event through the Galactic pulse.
The Galactic Central Sun is the source of our free will and of course the Cabal can not stop the Galactic Central Sun! Nor can they stop the cosmic wave of Light which accelerates the key breakthroughs in evolution to happen faster and faster, converging into a mega breakthrough point in our near future:
When this realization penetrates through the masses, it will help co-create the Event.
People are beginning to realize the fact that the gold is gone:
It is good to note that the same Muslim Brotherhood propaganda pamphlets that were handed out in Egypt were also given to Ukrainian protesters:
We are entering a very interesting period in a few days. Let me conclude by making a hint that mass arrest scenario is not the only aspect of the plan to remove the Cabal from power.