Scorpio New Moon

November opens a magical door into personal transformation and spiritual advancement. The Sun is in private eye Scorpio, who loves to find the underlying cause of things.  Scorpio is not attracted to the superficial. S/he wants to unlock the cellar doors and let the bats (mind gremlins, insecurities, and worry’s) fly out into the light of truth and healing.  Scorpio insists that we embrace our true feelings, phobias and obsessions.

Above all, like the phoenix rising from the ashes, we can transform them into our strengths. “Scorpio’s ultimate teaching is alchemical; that the leaded weight of all our fear, darkness and duality can be transmuted into the gold of love, truth and unity.” –Stephanie Austin Scorpio reminds us that there is no death. All life continues to cycle from spirit to matter and back again. We are encouraged in Scorpio not to reject but to embrace our shadow side.

We want to give voice to what is hiding in the dark (subconscious). The undeveloped parts of Self (masquerading as our fears and phobias) will continue to haunt us begging for conscious expression.  Our hidden aspects of Self will persist in driving and controlling our choices and behaviors chaining us to our own self-imposed limitations.  We cannot live passionate authentic lives and be fearful. We cannot be healthy and strong if we are not whole.  We cannot fully love others if we do not love both are light and dark.  If we are not consciously aware of our own shadow side, we will project it onto others.   For instance, have you been tolerating disrespect from another, if so what part of you disrespects you? If someone is being cruel to you, what part of you is cruel to you? Do you see where I am going here? If s/he in your life is treating you (fill in the blank,_____________) sit with Self and ask: “Do I treat myself that way?” We attract from both consciousness and from the subconscious. That which is within us is what we draw to us. Do not ignore what is being revealed in Scorpio. Embrace all aspects of Self with compassion. Be your own best friend, love and respect you unconditionally.   “To hold someone as your object of attention while you’re connected to Source Energy, is the greatest gift that anyone could give. When you’re not happy, you don’t have anything to give. And so, what it literally means is be happy, because you cannot give anyone something that you do not feel.” -Abraham

The Scorpio New Moon on November 5-6th ignites our new start. The phoenix rising from the ashes is you recreating you.  What needs to die so that the new you can be born?  What stale roles do you want to shed? What preferred path is before you? Awaken to the truth. The truth that you are more powerful than you may know and that your thoughts create your reality.  If there were enough lightworkers practicing the Law of Deliberate Creation for instance, using our minds to meditate completely on love, peace and prosperity. We would already be in the Golden Age and wonder where all those problems went. What’s more, it is of paramount importance to work outside of the mass consciousness. The mass consciousness or the collective consciousness affects each of us on a daily basis.

The mass consciousness is the blending of consciousness among the six billion souls living on our planet. We can never totally separate ourselves from the mass consciousness. For this reason, it is very important to clear your mind of all negativity and fear coming from the mass consciousness.  You may notice at times a paralyzing wave of fear washing over you and taking you into dark thoughts. This negative energy is coming from the mass consciousness magnifying our own personal fears. We need to practice conscious awareness monitoring our thoughts. For instance, qualify the thought, ask Self: “Is this my personal fear or is this external?” Above all, we need to keep our minds clean and clear of fear and negativity. This is very important because fear and negativity can trap us into illusion, duality and polarization. Instead, be determined to be empowered, and empower others by being unconditionally constructive. Be fearless. Ask Source for your Highest Good and the Highest Good for all concerned.

Scorpio is a money sign. Scorpio and Pluto (massive money) are the natural rulers of the Eight House: others people money, bank financing, inheritance, and gifts. Taurus is also a money sign. Taurus and Venus are the natural rulers of the Second House: your money, what you personally own and value. The Scorpio/Taurus axis, the cycle we are in right now is the money alliance in astrology. The fearful mass consciousness can mess with our ability to be prosperous.  If we are angry and frustrated, this is resistance. When we are fearful and negative, we push away the very abundance and well-being we are seeking.  Instead, we want to be proactive, forward focused and stay out of fear. Are you in harmony with what you want? “You cannot receive vibrationally something that you are not a vibrational match to. And so, bless those who are finding abundance. And in your blessing of them and their abundance, you will become abundant, too. But in your cursing of their abundance, you hold yourself apart from it. It is a law – it is a powerful law. ” –Abraham

We can use this powerful cycle of Scorpio to drill down deeper into our Inner Being—Christ Consciousness, where our unlimited power and prosperity flows. In the Scorpio vibration, it is our lesson to achieve Self-mastery over our ego personality.  The ego personality must submit to the Higher Self or be controlled by our egoic nature of prejudice, jealousy, separation, suffering, ignorance, distraction, and unworthiness. Practice daily keeping your mind, spirit, heart and physical body clear of all negativity.  Embrace your inner child (soul) children are pure positive energy. Children live in the now and express who-they-really-are. Do actives that empower you like reading, resting, cooking, crafting, playing, dancing, singing, meditating and laughing. Go outside and walk in nature.

The outdoors is a wonderful way for clearing the negative energies. Take a mineral bath visualize the water replenishing you and filling you with positive energy. Practice spiritual rituals that reinforce your Inner Power, your Inner Knowing and your Inner Strength.  World events will continue to be radical and strange this month. Reminding us that up is down, right is wrong and those who demonstrate bad behavior get their own TV show. Thus, our external world can seem crazy and filled with all sorts of rewards for the wicked. Yet, if we remember that in these end times, the karma is instant.  In other words, what we send out will circle the Earth and return to us tenfold. Secretive Scorpio you do not have to seek revenge for the multitude of injustices… We can trust in the Law of Attraction and the increasing wave of light—Christ Consciousness will return balance and harmony to Earth, opportunity and hope to all her inhabitants.

Time is rapidly accelerating.  We are nearing the end of duality and polarization.  We are moving onto unity consciousness.  All life is sacred. Mother Earth is a sentient being and deserves our love and respect.  Daily spiritual practice and meditation moves you up into your Higher Self and Christ Consciousness—the Fifth Dimension.  One cannot be in fear and be in the Higher Self simultaneously.  Thus, we are fearless in our Christ Consciousness (Fifth Dimension). “Not only does the thought you are choosing right now attract the next thought and the next . . . and so on—it also provides the basis of your alignment with your Inner Being. As you consistently and deliberately think and speak more of what you do want and less of what you do not want, you will find yourself more often in alignment with the pure, positive essence of your own Source; and under those conditions, your life will be extremely pleasing to you.” –Abraham

At the time of the New Moon in Scorpio, Chiron (spiritual teacher, astrologer, and healer) and Neptune (inspiration, spirituality, and creativity), move direct.  The universal message is for us to spiral up in consciousness and gain greater Self-mastery.  Stop hiding your light. Express your Self. Let your voice be heard. Trust your Inner Being, trust your intuition and be who-you-really-are. In the secret chamber of your heart lives your true passion and inspiration. What inspires you? What gives you passion? What makes your heart leap and your spirit soar? What puts the twinkle in your eyes?

Joyfully Venus and Jupiter move direct on November 18th after being retrograde since October 7th and July 23rd. Yeah! We have had enough time to review our relationships and beliefs. If we have done our inner work in Scorpio. We can now move forward with optimism for a brighter future embracing our Infinite Possibilities.  “I see myself in perfect health. I see myself in absolute prosperity. I see myself invigorated with life, appreciating, again, this physical life experience which I wanted so very much as I decided to be a physical Being. It is glorious to be here, a physical Being, making decisions with my physical brain but accessing the power of the Universe through the power of the Law of Attraction.” –Abraham

What Infinite Possibilities Await You?

Love and Abundance,

Kelley Rosano

3 thoughts on “Scorpio New Moon”

  1. Thank you Thankyou Thankyou… i find i am going through some of the deepest fears, emotional addictive tendacies and dark soul moments..yet have an awareness that its for the greater good of myself, but more and more am i coming to feel and understand that the greif i am personally healing is a part of the greater world around me. by healing myself i am healing the world… i am healing my pain, i am healing the worlds pain.

    your scorpio moon info really helped cement my feelings and ideas and has helped me not to feel so isolated and alone in this challenging time. YAY.

    Love and beautiful Light.

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