all the planets are direct Green Lights

Last year was a year of change. Not because we wanted to change, but because it was forced on us. The good news is, this too is a year of change. BUT, it’s a year of changes we WANT in our lives. It’s time to move forward with our goals and resolutions. And just plain get back to our lives. Things may move a little slow at first. January and the first part of February may have brought some delays or frustrations. We are still in a pandemic, after all. As winter thaws giving way to the first signs of Spring. We will begin to see everything around us start to open up. And we too can open up and enjoy our lives again. YAY!

There is more good news! Mercury, the messenger, has moved direct on February 20. This change means all the planets are direct until April 27 when Pluto will turn retrograde. This is the only time in 2021 that this will occur. These are GREEN LIGHTS from the universe! To go after your burning desire and take a risk on something new. Plunge into new stuff. If you feel like plunging DO IT. It’s not reckless.

Now is the time to put yourself out there. For me, my passion is study and learning. I LOVE to learn new skills. I feel that it keeps you young. I’m learning how to negotiate. This is a huge area of growth for me. And I’m excited about what I’m learning. There are new possibilities everywhere if you can see them. New doors are opening. How about you? What have you been up to these first two months of the year?  Have you been learning new skills?

Things will begin to SPEED UP now. With spring around the corner and only three weeks away. Do your happy dance. I am dancing with you. You’ll want to be ready to take action. What has been delayed or on hold will now be moving forward. All the planets are in action mode.

And, the universe tells us that change is ready for you, but are you ready for a change? It’s the million-dollar question. I’ve coached thousands of people throughout my career – people that had BIG plans. But when I drilled down with them. I found that some were not ready to leave their old ways. When this happens, no matter how much work you put into your goals, you’ll never get there.

For some folks, the idea of a risk is terrifying. We’re humans, and, naturally, we find ways to minimize risk. Ten thousand years ago, had our ancestors taken on too much risk, they’d be dead. We’re in a modern world now, though. Risk is not so much “life or death” as it is “survive or thrive.” 

I want you all to THRIVE, not just survive. 

I came upon this passage recently in Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It:

“The principles of our irrational decisions are something called Prospect Theory. Created in 1979 by the psychologists’ Daniel Kahneman and Most Tversky, prospect theory describes how people choose between options that involve risk, like in a negotiation. The theory argues that people are drawn to sure things over probabilities, even when probability is a better choice. That’s called the Certainty Effect. And people will take greater risks to avoid losses than to achieve gains. That’s called Loss Aversion.  

That’s why people who do not need insurance buy it. Or consider this: a person who is told he has a 95 percent chance of receiving $10,000 or a 100 percent chance of getting $9,499 will usually avoid risk and take the 100 percent safer choice, while the same person who’s told he has a 95 percent chance of losing $10,000 or a 100 percent of losing $9,499 will make the opposite choice, risking the bigger 95 percent option to avoid loss. The chance for loss incites more risk than the possibility of an equal gain.”  — Chris Voss

So, here we all are. The universe has rolled out the red carpet for us. It’s welcoming our growth. We just need to seize every day and make it happen. And with a little bit of luck, we’ll get to the other side.

Growing involves moving past your human aversion to risk. After all, the entire idea of growing means you’re leaving something behind. You might hate your current job. But leaving it would mean losing what is familiar to you. Hate it or not, at least you know what to expect every day. A new position would have new people, a new boss, and a new set of tasks. So much newness that it could be uncomfortable for a while. But, imagine that, once you get past the uncomfortable newness. You might gain new skills and DISCOVER new talents. And be surrounded by the best team you’ve ever worked with in your life.

The PAYOFF can be glorious, but you have to take the risk to reap the reward. 

Tell me, what’s going on in your life? What’s the biggest challenge you face? What keeps you up at night? What would you do if you were ten times bolder?

Write all those things down. Then make a plan to achieve your goals – there’s literally no time like the present. It’s the GIFT. This too is a great time to complete things. So that you’ll be ready for a fresh start, new places, and new faces. When you are at a new beginning, know that it is MEANT to be. If not, you would not be in it.

Tell me in the comments what your plans are.

Much Love,




If you want to make the absolute MOST of your 2021, my Personalized Report Bundle is a great way to ensure your every move is aligned with the stars. It includes four powerful reports, including the Money Report, the Modern Natal Birth Report, the Health and Well-Being Report, and the Solar Return Report. Plus, by buying all the reports in the  Personalized Report Bundle, you’ll save 25%. Click here to learn more.


The 7 Secrets to Magic Money Making is my gift to you.

16 thoughts on “all the planets are direct Green Lights”

  1. Hi Kelley
    Are you still doing full and new moon videos? Have been missing them, you always give such powerful insight

  2. I love that it is a Green light for us until April 27th. Just in time for Spring. I hope to birth alot of new things in Spring, a wedding and marriage,a rebranding of my business, and a new iconomic base for my Son….lots of good things that will involve risk. I am open to it.,

  3. I needed to read this. I’ve been talking about making a job change and a new opportunity just landed in my lap. My fear of change is starting to rear its ugly head but I know better! I agree, it’s a leap year and the universe is providing. I will see the process through and if feels right have the courage to leap. I want change!

  4. I am planning to study abroad in South America, in the next few weeks. There is no time like the present. Thank you Kelley.

  5. Kelley,
    I am lifting you up in love and light. I hope the past few weeks has been a time of replenishment and renewal. Peace and blessings.✨

  6. I have had a new job offer, same company and I had been resisting it, its not until now that I realise its the unknown I’ve been resisting, it’s a wonderful opportunity and I’m blessed. Thank you.

  7. Hi Kelley,

    What would you suggest for someone who’s been stuck or in a rut for almost 7 years ? I need help with getting out of it, I’ve been trying got years, I might just be afraid, but I also know I’m not sure what I want to do next? I know I want to do something I love, it won’t make much money though.
    What reading should I get ? Please advise?
    I enjoy all that you do and I believe in you♥️
    Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you!


    Ellen Spencer

  8. I would recommend the Just for Women’s report it will give great insight into your talent, skills and where to focus your energy. Take 3 small steps every day that move you in a new direction.

  9. maria alessandra baquiran

    What product or reading would you recommend for me to purchase. I have taken my licensure exam last October 25, 2020, and have since forgiven myself for not passing. But I have since collected myself to test again. Looking for which date is the best to pass the licensure exam. or if there is anything else I need to fix about me in order to pass successfully. I am a Virgo Pisces Virgo. Thank you in advance. I have been following you since 2017. Because of your guidance, I passed my licensure exam that year. Now I am looking forward to passing this new licensure and I am more excited to hear from you. Thank you Kelley!

  10. Dear Kelly, I know this is the time for me to move forward, so many things have finished. I cannot seem to take action , I am a yoga teacher, earlier I taught, I’ve come a long way in my own journey, I’d like to share with others, but something keeps holding me back.
    You did a money report for me, I was very -leased with its format and communication. Please do guide me.

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