No one ever says they wished they’d spent less time with their families and more time working a job they hated. No one says that their fulfillment came from hustling in a rat race. Yet, many people work jobs that leave them feeling empty, that take time away from the people they love, and that leave them too tired to pursue the hobbies that make them happy. All because the need to survive creates fear. It’s easy to fear not having enough, not being able to get more, or that resources will dry up.
The world has become poisoned by a scarcity mindset through fear; “I need to have more because there’s not enough for everyone. When I have enough for me, then I’ll help others who don’t have enough.” This way of living, as in gaining more of what we already have out of fear we won’t be able to get any more of it, closes us off to a fulfilling life. We end up trading too much of our time and sanity to earn more money. We spend more and more on things that don’t matter to us. We feel unnecessary pressure to own, have, and do things one way because that’s what we’ve been told to define things as “success.” This type of thinking can keep you in survival mode.
I think more people need to be having this conversation, about what makes them truly happy. Because we can all easily get caught up in money and lifestyle that way. Fulfillment has nothing to do with how much money you can spend on something. A more extravagant lifestyle is not better or more meaningful. Your life is what you make of it regardless of how much material wealth you have.
When I started my YouTube channel, I wanted to help others by sharing my gifts. It seemed like a great platform to do that because no one was yet providing detailed astrology readings. It lets me reach people around the world to who I would otherwise have no connection to. I just followed my intuition – my need to live my life by following my heart, and it worked out in my favor. It always does! So, what are you holding yourself back from? What message or gift do you feel called to share with the world?
I am thrilled to share with you my new YouTube Insiders course. That I will be offering in August. It’s about How to Build A Thriving YouTube Channel, a Winning Website, and so much more. Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube says that by the end of 2020 there will be 5 Billion users on YouTube. This creates opportunities for anyone who wants to grow and prosper. Here is a brief video explaining my Free Webinar.
And when you do sign up, you will get the “Love My Business Program.” A $77 value simply for joining us!
I know I’ve mentioned money a lot in this blog. But I’m talking about wealth in every sense of the word here. Do you feel wealthy in love and companionship? Do you feel wealthy in happy memories and experiences? Do you feel wealthy in having work you’re excited about? Do you have the time you need to do the things that light you up? Are you loving you properly?
It’s up to you to find fulfillment in your life. It’s up to you to decide what you will do with your time. How you’ll spend your money, and why. The way you do that is to live authentically. Be true to yourself. Take risks. Be kind to you. Decide for yourself what happiness is and know that you will always have enough of everything you need to live a comfortable, joyful life.
Maybe you’re not entirely sure what that means. Maybe you’ve been doing things the way you were taught to for so long. You’re not sure what feels right for you. If that’s the case, it’s never too late to dig deep and make changes. I discuss these concepts and more on my own YouTube channel. From finding your bliss to earning an income doing what you love. I help you tackle it all. Nothing brings me greater pleasure.
As you may already know, I’m also passionate about building people up to start and thrive in their own businesses! I love to help them realize their gifts and turn it into a profitable business. Where they get to be their own boss and decide how to spend their time. If you’ve been stuck and ready for a breakthrough. Or you want to explore what life can be with a fresh mindset. I encourage you to sign up for my Free YouTube Webinar. Whether you have a business of your own. Want to start one, or want to explore your hobbies in a fun way. This course will give you all the tips and tricks to get started.
Fulfillment in life is about the connections you make and the time you spend pursuing the things that bring you joy. You never know when you could help someone. Teach them something new, or share exciting news all from your own YouTube channel. I can help you get started so that you get through the learning curve. And nail your first video posts without fear or doubt! The time to live for yourself is now! Don’t wait to shine your light and find your bliss. There’s nothing to lose. I can show you how to go from surviving to thriving! Where do you want to be in 3 months from now?
with enormous love,
I’m so ready for a good! change. Presently I’m working in the fashion industry as an independent contractor, with my contract ending in July. It’s hasn’t gone as I expected it, but I’ve learned a alot.
I sign up for the business course, and looking forward to the YouTube webinar. As i read Kelly’s blogs I get inspired and excited and start looking forward a full feeling future.