Virgo Full Moon | Kelley Rosano

Virgo Full Moon

“Fly me to the Moon and let me play among the stars.”—Nat King Cole

The Virgo Full Moon on March 8 empowers us to keep our feet on the ground while the Sun,  Chiron and Neptune are in dreamy Pisces. All Full Moons are oppositions that bring awareness’s to us externally. We are being asked to balance our mind—Virgo with our heart—Pisces.  This Full Moon shifts us into a more practical approach to life, setting the stage for the unique earth grand trine on March 14.

Also, Mercury the messenger—Virgos’ ruling planet retrogrades March 12—April 4.

Messenger Mercury fires into Aries on March 2, but turns retrograde on March 12. Mercury returns to Pisces on March 23—April 17. Mercury in Pisces is direct on April 4. Mercury retrograde is an ideal time to review, rewrite, rework, revisit, reinvent, reconsider and research. Anything we put the word “re” in front of is Mercury retrograde.

Mercury retrograde is always associated with unclear signals and missed messages. We find that the devil is in the details. We can have difficulties with all things related to travel, communication and technology.  Mercury retrogrades in impatient Aries and then backs into elusive Pisces. It may be challenging to find the persistence and precision needed to compensate for retrograde issues. Yet, revisiting daring and creative ideas may prove to be valuable enough to pursue.  

Mercury crosses Uranus on March 17 providing brilliant breakthroughs. Sudden insights, increased intuition as our thinking speeds up. This aspect is great for inventiveness and ingenuity. Mercury squares Pluto on March 18 watch for negative thinking and/or mental obsession.  Thinking too much makes it difficult to hear the guidance of the heart, the suggestions of a clear intuition. Our heart, not our mind has the answers in what is right and true for us.

♥ What is your heart’s desire?

♥ What makes you feel creative?

♥ What is your passion?


We have an amazing grand earth trine exact on March 14—between Mars in Virgo, Jupiter and Venus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. This is wonderful news for everyone. This unique grand earth trine combines the innovative power of Mars and Jupiter with gracious Venus adding her star power in her home sign of Taurus with powerful and persistent Pluto in enterprising Capricorn. 

This grand earth trine can give us the desire and resources we need to move forward creating a better life. Abundance is the ability to do what we need to do. This grand trine can provide you with the power to do what you want and need.  Wherever this earth grand trine is taking place in your natal chart will determine where you are being activated to receive this remarkable energy.

This is a very special grand earth trine. We have immense power coming through this grand trine personally for each one. Great power brings great responsibility. What do you want to create? You are a powerful spiritual being. Believe in your dreams coming true it is the first step in manifestation. We do not get what we want. We get what we believe. Desire and passion are the only energy that trumps beliefs. Our passion and desire count. Our heart must rule over our mind.

Desire – resistance = Deliberate Creation

I am observing with some people that they are waiting for something external to happen to give them the courage to change, take action and/or initiate new beginnings.  The Law of Attraction, which runs the universe, requires that we must first shift inside if we want to see our outer world improve. In other words, there is no more waiting for external signals to make our moves. When we are waiting on others or external events we are putting the cart before the horse. We are giving our power away to something or someone outside of us. This behavior never brings us what we want. Are you waiting on that special space ship to land, a savior to arrive, and/or a soul mate?

You are the master of your destiny. You are the captain of your ship. There is no more waiting. Now is the time to step up, put our big boy/girl pants on and go for what we want. We need to stop arguing for our limitations. We must create our new life, new plan, new goal and make a commitment. The change we want to see in the world begins in our hearts.  We shift from the inside–out.  What I am observing is those dear hearts that are brave, bold and taking the initiative are reaping the rewards. Those that are choosing to wait are feeling more lost and confused. You are the one that you have been waiting for! This is our test into greater Self-mastery and Self-discovery.


♥ What actions steps can you take today to make your life better?

♥ What are three things you can do each day to improve your situation?

♥ What inner resources and strength can you utilize to make your changes?

♥ What opportunities are available to you right now?

♥ How can you be wrong if you are the captain of your ship?


“You’re really not wanting to limit beliefs because belief is just perspective, and the more beliefs or the more perspectives or the more attitudes, the bigger the vibrational kitchen from which you can make your pie. Just get so good at directing your Energy that the belief doesn’t dominate.” —Abraham

The magic and magnitude of this earth grand trine continues when the Sun shifts into fiery Aries on March 20 and the Spring/Fall equinox begins. Happy Spring! 


Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano


Happy Full Moon in Virgo!

 Virgo Full Moon Mantra: “My Perfection lies within my imperfection.”

For a detailed look at your astrology in 2012—what it means for you personally!

Make an appointment today!

Thank You! You Are Awesome!

Astrological Events

Mercury Retrograde March 12–April 4, 2012

Spring/Fall Equinox Sun enters Aries March 20, 2012

New Moon in Aries March 22, 2012

We have four eclipses in 2012

20 May 2012  O* Gemini Solar Eclipse

4 June 2012   14* Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse

13 Nov 2012   21* Scorpio Solar Eclipse

28 Nov 2012   6* Gemini Lunar Eclipse

We can weather this wild and evolutionary wave together!