Pisces New Moon

The New Moon in Pisces on February 21 offers us an opportunity to go deep within Self connect with our Inner Being and dream. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. Pisces rules the twelfth house of unfinished business, self-limitation, magical places and our hidden strength. Neptune the modern ruler of Pisces is conjunct the New Moon.  Neptune is leading the way forward in 2012. He is the most powerful and direct of all the planets, asteroids and stars.  Neptune and Pisces rule our dreams.


♥ What are you dreaming?

♥ Who inspires your dreams?

♥ What empowers your dreams?

♥ What would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?

♥ What would the world look if you created it through your dreams?


Pisces is two fish tied together swimming in opposite directions. In Gemini, the sign of the twins the two are connected but not tied. In Pisces, one fish swims’ downstream representing the ego, the other fish is swimming upstream representing the Soul. Either the Soul captures the ego and it becomes the servant, or the Soul is bound and made captive by the ego. This is why the spiritual motto for Pisces is “serve or suffer.”

 Pisces keyword is “Unity.” Pisces key phase is “I Believe.”

Pisces is the most psychic, intuitive and sensitive sign in the zodiac. Emotions are strong and deep in this sign. Thus, Pisces are moody, introspective and hard to understand. The 3D world is not their habitat and their need to escape it is very great. Pisceans need their time alone and do need to retreat from the world in order to retain their balance and equilibrium. We must all return to Source to be renewed. Pisces who are connected to their Inner Being are capable of great achievements. Pisces who are not connected to their Inner Being often seek solace in drugs and/or alcohol.

Pisces can suffer from an inferiority complex and a sense of unworthiness. They never feel that they do enough so they often overwork, putting stress on the physical body. They do not give their body enough attention and/or make a commitment to being healthy and strong. The only true freedom for Pisces comes through spiritual orientation. When they are true to their real natures, Pisceans have a high and holy destiny and are the true saviors and servants of humankind. Pisces have a great sense of compassion and sacrifice themselves in utter devotion for redemption of the world. Pisces have a deep love for music and film and are excellent artists when they pursue it as a life’s work. They make awesome actors. Pisces can feel our pain and emulate the human condition better than all the other signs. Pisces make excellent doctors, healers, teachers and metaphysicians.

Wherever Pisces is found in our natal chart is where we have to use our intuition toward the house affairs. You will need to believe in your “gut instinct”, hunches and intuitive insights. There will be no physical guidelines to help you.  Everything will appear to be confusing or misleading. This House, then, is where we must have faith, “faith” in the future and faith in ourselves.  We must have faith in our dreams coming true.


Do you trust your “gut instinct” and intuition to make right choices?


Neptune, the great dissolver, is conjunct and most powerful at the New Moon. Neptune—God is calling us Home through LOVE.  Chaos and confusion will ensue for those who believe in illusion—ego self-centered behavior, gossip, revenge, negativity, greed, drama and so on. Yet, millions of people are awakening to the lies of the elites and their archaic self-serving systems. TRUTH cuts like a sword and frees us from the domination and control of 3D-limited thinking.  TRUTH will continue to dissolve our illusions and free us to dream a new dream. Neptune rules our highest ideals and dreams. What is your soul dreaming for you? Each individual must dream his or her own dream.

“The dreaming is vital on planet earth and as more and more humans begin to dream the new dream, to dream of their souls wish then the chaos will deepen for the lower energies cannot withstand the pure energies of LOVE. It is LOVE that will bring the planet earth and her peoples back into balance yet it is LOVE that those in chaos refuse to allow into their BEing, we guide for all to look at this and to embrace LOVE for it is what you ARE.

LOVE has been distorted on planet earth to keep you from this knowledge, whilst you define LOVE and seek to control LOVE you stifle growth and expansion for the universe is always growing and expanding such is the nature of energy. We guide for you to allow this to sit within you, for you as a BEing of energy work by the same laws of the universe. Those who sought to control you have distorted this information to keep you from this knowledge, to stop you remembering that you are able to dream the dream of the soul, for it is powerful, that which is dreamt can be created all around you.

The world as you know it is now dreaming two dreams and as the dream of the soul expands and grows and intensifies the dream of the old will begin to break down. Such is the distortion within the teachings of the old dream that the chaos will feed more chaos, the only way out is to connect with the heart and to talk with the soul, for the soul now has a chance to transcend karma and that is TRUTH that is also hidden in plain view. For you dream to dream, it is that simple. What you believe will be created for this is the playground of the universe, what do you dream?”Karen Doonan

This potent Pisces New Moon is in harmony with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. Giving us the strength and vision to see the “bigger picture” and the will to do what we must. There is no more waiting. Neptune has dissolved the waiting. The new is here and the new is now, can you feel it? Do you see it? Now is the time to take action in our lives. You are the captain of your ship. We are sailing into uncharted territory. There are no history books to describe what we are experiencing and dreaming.


♥ Do you allow your soul to enter your dreams?

♥ Do you control your dreams through fear and illusion?

♥ What do you dream?

♥ Do you dream the dream of your soul’s wishes and desires?

♥ Do you dream at all?

♥ Do you feed your soul with your dreams?

♥ Do you starve your soul of her dreams?

♥ Can you build a bridge between your soul and your dreams?


Dream what you want to see in the world—peace, love and abundance for instance. Our Well-Being—LOVE flows from Source. Focused on our Higher Self connects us to Source. We do not need to fix, save and rescue other people. We want to let people live their own lives and learn their lessons. This is the path to greater Self-discovery and Self-mastery. Practice the Law of Allowing creating the space for others to find their own stream of Well-Being.  Practice Healthy Selfishness, this is to strengthen our stream of Well-Being—Love—Abundance—Joy.  For instance, when you do what is right for you, it is right for everyone else. The Law of Attraction is matching our energy, thoughts, actions, words and intentions.


♥ What are you broadcasting?

♥ What are you attracting?

♥ Are you doing what is right for you?

♥ Are you on your right path?

♥ Are you in right relationships?


We are manifestations of Creator. We are Creators Children. We were created for our Father and Mother God’s PURE JOY. We have the divine tools to create our dreams come true, given the right attitude, environment, resources and relationships. We are creative beings whose destiny is to create our dreams come true. In TRUTH, daydreaming is vital to our creativity, faith, health, hope and inspiration. The Pisces New Moon cosmic message is to dream the dream of our heart’s deepest desires—asleep, awake, at work, walking your dog or doing the dishes. We are to receive the nourishment and empowerment of our soul’s delicious delights. Bon Appétit!

“In your action, you lose sight of the vision, you lose sight of your trust in the process, and you just bang around in a sense of futility. Hold the vision and trust that the Universe will acclimate to your vision. Hold the vision and trust the process.” —Abraham

All Are One,

Kelley Rosano

Happy New Moon in Pisces!

Pisces New Moon Mantra: “I Am Self-Mastery in Action and In Me Now. My Soul has dominion over my ego. I Am the Captain of my ship. I navigate the waters of my dreams with LOVE.”

For a detailed look at your astrology in 2012—what it means for you personally!

Make an appointment today!


Thank You! You Are Awesome!

Astrological Weather Report

Virgo Full Moon March 7, 2012

Mercury Retrograde March 12–April 4, 2012

Spring/Fall Equinox Sun enters Aries March 20, 2012

New Moon in Aries March 22, 2012

We can weather this wild and evolutionary wave together!

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