Gemini Full Moon — Stepping Up

Gemini Full Moon Step Up and Be BraveThe Gemini Full Moon on December 6 is a party Moon. This Full Moon is a brief break from the intense growth and striving you have done. This year has required you to step up and be brave. Release what is not serving you. Embrace your authentic nature. Be in your full power. Time is accelerating. 2014 has flown by and so too will next year. Full Moons bring matters to ahead.


• Where are you going?
• What are you doing?
• What gives you passion and makes you feel alive?


The Gemini Full Moon says that it is time to celebrate your life. Celebrate your victories. Even the smallest of accomplishments are worth noting. When you focus on what is working in your life. This creates a current of positive energy. You are a magnet for good things to flow to you. You are irresistibly attractive. People will be drawn to you. People will want to know your secret for success. In the midst of this chaotic world how are you Always Thriving?

You can tell them that it is your attitude for gratitude. Appreciation for life keeps you going. You have a passion for living. You value both the challenges and the adversities. You see them as your teachers. You see the present as perfect. Things may not be as exactly the way you want it. However, you see the present as the perfect path to realizing your dreams. All power is in the here and now. This helps you to pay close attention to your present circumstances. This empowers you to discover and create a path to actualizing your vision. You are focused on your success. You are focused on what is positive in your life. You are using the power of your focused intention to live your best life. You know that you are creating your reality. It is in your full power to change what is not working for you.

The stars are highly active in December. It is a game changing month. Uranus rules revolution. Pluto rules evolution. They are squaring in December. The faster moving planets are keeping them engaged all month. This is the fault in our stars. You have no control over what the planets are doing. Your power lies in how you use this energy. On the positive side, you can use this powerful planetary position to change your life for the better. At the very least, they are stimulating your growth. Real growth is painful at times. Change is the only constant. Growth is optional. Those who are invested in their personal development are evolving. Squares are a call to action. They represent a turning point in your life. You are changing. Your life, work and relationships are changing. Resistance is futile. Be a change agent. Don’t wait. Initiate. Take action now. Be brave. Take risks. Taking chances can bring you great rewards.


• What is your destiny?
• Who were you born to be?
• What do you believe is possible for you?


This second to the last Uranus Pluto square happens on December 15. The final square will be on March 17, 2015. The faster moving planets will keep this energy active through April of next year. For the next five months you are being asked to make core changes in your life. Many have made huge shifts and changes. You want to be a change agent. Get into the driver seat. Take charge of your life. Initiate change. Pluto and Uranus will empower you to make the needed changes. Make friends with change.


• What needs to change?
• What is complete for you?
• What is the biggest challenge you face right now?
• What would you do if you were ten times bolder?


Pluto and Uranus are a roller coaster ride of change and transformation. You will have good days and challenging days. You can expect the unexpected. Sometimes shocking surprises are jaw dropping. Relationships can blow up revealing long held tensions. Uranus and Pluto bring sudden endings. They can serve up a fresh start that you may not want but sorely need. Stay flexible. Surrender resistance. Control is an illusion. The only thing you can control is yourself. How you respond to what is happening. Make no judgments. Assume nothing; wait until you have the full story. Use the Four Agreements to guide you. They are grounding in this sea of chaos and confusion. Shifts and changes are what the universe is serving up for dinner.

Jupiter in Leo moves retrograde on December 8 through April 8 2015. Your growth and expansion takes place on the inside of you now. Change you and then your world will improve for the better. Change must occur with you first. Then you will see progress in your life. You are a powerful creator. The Law of Attraction is always matching you. Grow you from the inside out. This will empower you to ride the wave of rapid change and growth.

The Gemini Full Moon message is to Step Up. Be brave. Get in the driver seat empower yourself. Be honest with yourself. Stop arguing for your limitations. Step up. Take responsibility for your life. In this way, you can change what is not working. You are the master of your destiny. Take your power back from society and/or other people. Learn from your mistakes. Vow to do better next year. Make a commitment to your success.

This huge amount of change can be exhausting. Take a moment and catch your breath. Celebrate what you have learned. Celebrate your growth. Celebrate how far you have come. Pluto and Uranus are a force for good in your life. Be adaptable. Make friends with change. It is not the enemy. Change is your friend. Change sheds the old and gives birth to the new. There is the part of you waiting to be born. You are the one you have been waiting for. You are the savior. Creator works through you and your heart. Step up and be brave. Try. You will make your dreams come true. Go for it!

  Gemini Full Moon Step Up and Be Brave


“Source is there for everyone at all times. We are always there. And so when you are aware of the presence of Source and when you are not offering a vibration that prevents you from your alignment with Source, then you have those wonderful moments. And you can do that all the time. And people refer to those who are doing that as masters. But all of you can do that. It is the mastery of focus. That’s what it is.” –Abraham


Love and Peace,




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Happy Gemini Full Moon!

Gemini Full Moon Step Up and Be Brave


December Astrological Events

New Moon Sagittarius November 22

Mercury enters Sagittarius November 27

Happy Thanksgiving November 27

Aries Moon conjunct Uranus square Pluto December 1

Aries Moon trine Mercury & Sun in Sagittarius December 1

Mars enters Aquarius December 4

Gemini Full Moon December 6

Jupiter retrograde December 8 — April 8, 2015

Venus enters Capricorn December 10

Uranus Pluto square December 14-15

Final Uranus Pluto square March 16-17, 2015

Mercury enters Capricorn December 16

Venus conjunct Pluto square Uranus December 20

Uranus direct December 21

Sun enters Capricorn December 21

Moon enters Capricorn December 21

Winter/Summer Solstice December 21

Capricorn New Moon December 21-22

Saturn enters Sagittarius December 23

Merry Christmas December 25

New Year’s Eve Moon in Taurus on December 31



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