Breakdown To Breakthrough To The New You

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The Phoenix rises from the ashes of the past.  You, too, can recreate yourself and make a fresh start. You can experience a Brilliant Breakthrough. You are to stay on your path.  Even when the road twists and turns. You can feel vibrant, healthy, and strong.  How do you do this?  Keep your mind engaged and focused on inspired action.

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And introducing innovations into your life wherever you are ready for expansion and fulfillment.oo

Pluto in Capricorn is death and rebirth. Resistance if futile. Your life and mine has changed over night. It will never be what it was before the Capricorn Stellium this March and April. These forces are outside your control require you to make significant changes now.  For instance, many people are experiencing job and financial loss do to COVID-19. Is it any wonder you might feel overwhelmed or fearful due to the changes happening to you? You are trying to maintain your balance and keep your spirit up. This can feel daunting. Yet, you can choose to be proactive and make the best of the social distancing.  And use this time to learn a new skill and socialize online. 

Experiencing a Breakthrough may require that you leave the past behind. Or make significant changes in how you work and live. For instance, it may be time to  take your business online. Start your own podcast or YouTube Channel.  We want to be in our integrity and practice the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  It is also time to speak your truth, and choose what is right for you—this is true empowerment.  You are the master of your destiny.  You create your reality by your words and actions. Remember that when you do what is right (heart-centered) for you, it is right (real love) for everyone else. What the world needs now is Love sweet love. I keep seeing this message. We need to love each other and help one another. The more we love each other the faster we will move through this crisis. 

You Can Breakthrough to a New Life of Your Design.

  Breakdown to Breakthrough Process

You can move from fear to freedom. Love can conquer fear.

We want to release resistance.  Are you resisting the changes taking place in your life?  Choose your battles wisely.  Hang loose on making judgments about what is happening—you may not have a full understanding of unfolding events.  What seems to be negative on the surface could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. A Brilliant Breakthrough that leads you to a more fulfilling life.

You may find yourself at the end of a relationship, a job lay-off, or a business closing.  You can feel as though you are operating in crisis mode.  Circumstances for those around you may also seem to be falling apart.  In truth, you are in completion mode.  These events are not always graceful, so go easy on you. You may feel less than a Self-master.  You may feel more like a lost soul.  Take comfort, for you are not alone.  Everyone is experiencing these life-changing events.

This experience may even feel like a death of sorts.  Each of us has our own timetable for this process.  Do not rush the process of breakdown.  Do not stay too long in grief or the void.  People and organizations that deal well with change are prepared for the inevitable emotional stages of the change process.  In her seminal research on death and grief, Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross chronicled six recognizable stages:  denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, and hope.

These stages seem most likely to manifest when 1) change is externally imposed, and 2) something of value is being lost or given up because of the change.  During the breakdown phase, you may find yourself in denial and depression.  You then move on to hope and acceptance.  You can jump around quite a bit in the first few months after endings.  For instance, we can feel acceptance, then flip into denial and hope, then reverse into anger.  Each of us will process grief in our own unique way.  There are no short cuts to growth.  Please be patient with your process, and allow your life to unfold naturally.

Brilliant Breakthroughs

Brilliant Breakthroughs

Attitude is everything. A negative attitude cannot only ruin your day; it is costly to your productivity. You can choose to be positive and proactive, even when your growth is swift and painful. You want to be willing to do your inner work. This means taking full responsibility for your choices and behavior. The secret of your success in this transformational climate is your willingness to go through these intense growth cycles. That include breakdown, the dark knight of the soul. Do what you need to do to keep moving and to be forward focused. Ultimately, your Soul-Self needs to take dominion over your ego personality  for your lasting success.Finding new solutions in solving your problems requires you to move up in consciousness and get to higher ground. You know the old saying that you can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that it was created. Stepping up will give you a clearer view in your  life path direction.  Listening is a powerful tool to gain insight, understanding and clarity. You want to listen to your Inner Being. Listen to your body. Your body is a messenger.

You Can Move from fear to freedom. Love can conquer fear.

• You can use your frustration and/or dissatisfaction and reach for something more satisfying and be empowered in the process.
• Experience has shown that following your passions will increase your health, well-being and vitality.

• Focusing yourself into projects, learning knew skills, and by innovating yourself.
• Every adversity and/or challenge carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater than benefit. 
• You can learn to go from Breakdown to Breakthrough and Rise like the Phoenix from the Ashes. 


LOVE and Abundance, 

Kelley Rosano

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1 thought on “Breakdown To Breakthrough To The New You”

  1. Maria Wechsler

    THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH !!! your newsletter is almost talking about me and where I am, it is very encouraging to think and be remind it that , I can begin again !!!
    Love and Light

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