The Leo Full Moon on Jan 28 is action-packed with many players participating. We have the Leo Moon standing on her own. Being opposed by five planets. The Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, and Mercury are in Aquarius. This creates massive polarization. And they’re being T-squared by Mars and Uranus in Taurus. There may be a battle between those in authority, or the system that has the upper hand. You may feel anxious, restless, and alone. Mars represents the power of the individual. He’s coupled with Black Moon Lilith.
The rebellious and unconventional qualities of Uranus and Lilith plus aggressive Mars may bring out the bully in some people. A bully can be passive/aggressive it’s not always in your face intimidation. If you find yourself dealing with subtle manipulation or a negative atmosphere, it’s time to pull up your Courage.
The Leo Full Moon Message is asking where does courage dwell in you? It’s better to stand alone than to take on the negative energy of others or the world. Your Power is in how you take care of yourself. We have no control over the system, or what others choose to do. Your power is in the choice you make for yourself. If you need to talk with someone you trust. Or your buttons are being pushed. Step back and don’t react. The power is always with the one who acts not reacts. Pull up your courage. And pivot into a new direction, a fresh approach is needed. This is what Uranus, Mars, and Lilith are saying. Get out of your comfort zone or we’ll push you out.
It’s okay to ask for help. The Leo Moon is all by her lonesome. Let’s others know that this is new for you and you need their help. When you admit that you don’t have all the answers, it takes the burden off your shoulders. The Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter are in Aquarius reminding you to focus on truth, creativity, and reality. How these factors can blend in a positive supportive way. We can move from fear of the unknown to a grounded reality. In this way, we can look at matters or the problem squarely and with help behind us (the Universe has your back) move forward in an informed way.
Sun and Jupiter exactly coupled empowers you to gain more knowledge and skills to take on the world. Let go of I can do it all myself. Or being angry with the system. See the Creative Potential in this Full Moon, it’s to break out of the old, outworn ways that are done. And move to a better place, armed with the ability to handle any challenge that comes your way. Because the Power within you is greater than any problem you may face.

Relationships issues intensify because Venus is coupled with powerful Pluto. This can be either the deepening of a commitment. Or the ending of an alliance or financial enterprise.
The Leo Full Moon is both dramatic and volatile whatever is revealed at this time will have consequences far beyond the next four weeks. People may overreact to this Full Moon. It can bring out the drama Kings and Queens who test your patience.
Full Moon’s bring things to completion, remember that there were signs along the way. That the job was ending, or the relationship is done. Or it’s time to move.
Practice the Law of Detachment:
1) When it begins (relationship, job, and/or situation) is always right.
2) Who shows up is exactly who needs to be there.
3) What happens is the only thing that could have happened.
4) When it is done. It is done.
Remember that a bunch of weak people even in numbers aren’t strong. Get a whole bunch of confused people together and see how much clarity comes out of it. In other words, you just can’t add one more confused person to the plot and expect any clarity… One standing outside of the confused group who is clear is more powerful than a million who are confused. Be that calm and clear person in the storm. And may the good in everything find its way towards you.
Love and Abundance,
Kelley Xx
This Saturday is the big day! And we have a place for you. Don’t miss out because it’s time to live an extraordinary life and increase your wealth. Sign up here:
Money, Astrology, and Your Prosperity is another program I offer designed to help you understand your ability to build abundance. We explore the money planets and the money houses in your natal birth chart. We cover the “Who, What, and Where” of your money planets.
The Personalized Money Report is a report tailored to you that highlights the fortune inherent in your birth chart. Each report is custom made for you. It highlights the signs in your birth chart that point to your inborn relationship with money and your part of fortune (your greatest happiness and JOY.)
You are simply awesome!
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