Leo New Moon ~ Authentic Love

 Leo New Moon ~ Authentic Love

The Leo New Moon on August 6 is a reminder that you are the Star of your life. Leo’s ruling planet is the Sun. The Sun is the center of the universe. The Sun is the heart and soul of astrology. The Sun is what drives the entire  chart. You are the Sun center of your life. You matter. You count. You have come to Earth to share your love and light. Share your talent, gifts and abilities. Share your Authentic Love–who you truly are. You will shine the brightest when you live from your heart.



Leo rules the heart or the heart can rule Leo. In other words, like the Sun, Leos must shine their love/light on everyone and not just the object of their affection. Leo rules the fifth house in astrology. This is the part of life where you are creative, outgoing and self-confident. Leos govern creative self-expression, romance, sports and children. You can procreate a project, art, a business and a hobby for instance. Whatever you pour your love and creativity into is an offspring. We create new ideas, inventions and opportunities from our heart.

Creating a business is the same as giving birth. The business is your baby. We have to let the baby crawl before it can walk. The child must walk before s/he learns to run or ride a bike. Many folks try to get more out of their new baby (business) before it is ready to produce.  It is unwise to demand too much of yourself and your baby (business).  Before it has had the proper amount of time and opportunity to grow, develop and flourish.


  • What are you creating?
  • What have you come to be?
  • What qualities have you come to share?


Wherever Leo is found in your natal birth chart is where you need to focus your Sun sign positive traits. In other words, let you light shine, be bold and creative. Be the best version of your Sun sign. Allow your creative self-expression to blossom and grow in the area and affairs of the house that Leo rules in your chart. Creativity is born out of our intuition.


“I’m going to be happy. I’m going to skip. I’m going to be glad. I’m going to smile a lot. I’m going to be easy. I’m going to count my blessings. I’m going to look for reasons to feel good. I’m going to dig up positive things from the past. I’m going to look for positive things where I stand. I’m going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It’s natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person!” — Abraham


The best part of Leo is the inner child. We are to nourish and protect our childlike innocence. We are to be open to new ideas and fresh perspectives. Be curious about life. Be engaged in the magic of the moment. Be the heart of Leo with an adult mind. For instance, you could have a YouTube channel and reach many people. This is the beauty of YouTube. There is an audience for everyone. Your soul would hold that agreement. What are your soul agreements?


  • Are you a teacher and/or healer?
  • Are a thought leader?
  • What have you come to share with the world?
  • Are you here to help humanity move forward?
  • What are you willing to give?
  • What does your soul reveal?


The Leo New Moon is in a trine (beneficial aspect) with Uranus. You could make positive changes in your personal and/or work life. For instance, you may encounter new relationships, new friends and/or a new love. New friendships formed now may encourage you to be your Authentic Self. You are to share your Authentic Love.  A new love could help to bring out the best version of you. A new business prospect that makes your heart sing can come your way. You can seize the opportunities that are emerging in your life.

You are hungry for change. You could change your personal habits like quit smoking. This would increase your health, well-being and vitality. You could make positive personal changes in your home. This would make your life easier and more effortless. Feeling good reminds you that this is closer to your real nature. Who you really are is pure positive energy. Uranus is in a supportive relationship with both lights. The New Moon message is to love who you really are. This is Authentic Love.


  • What are your heart’s desires?
  • What comes naturally to you?
  • Where are you the most joyful?
  • Where do you shine the brightest?
  • What is your point of brilliance?


Jupiter in Cancer is forming a powerful T-square (challenge) to Pluto and Uranus from August 7-21. This aspect will invoke dynamic changes in the areas of life that growth is needed. This aspect will take us out of our comfort zone. Real growth requires real change. Real growth can be painful. The change needed can be in our perception of reality. We can expand our consciousness through discovering new truth and new beliefs. We may need to change our attitude. We may need to change our work, relationships and lifestyle. You are the master of your destiny. You make right choices for Self when you are in alignment with who you really are. Doing what balances you. Doing what is right for you.

Mercury the messenger enters the sign Leo on August 8. This is a welcomed change after his retrograde phase in Cancer. Mercury in Leo encourages your creativity. Your ideas may be expressed with great passion. Venus is pleased to return to her home sign Libra on August 16. On the one hand, Venus can bring balance to our relationships. On the other hand, Venus will be Grand Squared (challenged) by Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus August 24-27.  That is four squares and two oppositions. We will want to be conscious and cautious in our relationship dealings. This is an excellent time to evaluate your true values. That is what truly matters to you. Are you in alignment with your core values?

This could be the most creative New Moon in 2013.  We are being given an outstanding opportunity to make positive changes. This is your chance to live in a way that is appropriate for you. You are to create your life based on your real needs and personal satisfaction. It will not be enough to live for the approval of other people. You will want to live your life based on your Soul-approval.

Out of the womb of the Mother (Cancer) we give birth to the child (Leo). The cosmic message is to give birth to the New You. You may need to get out of your comfort zone. We are birthing the heart-centered human being. Gaia (Mother Earth) is giving birth. Gaia is returning to her Garden of Eden. We are evolving into a higher state of consciousness. We are Ascending. The world is receiving powerful Love/Light energy from Prime Creator. The Star of David on July 29 is an astrological example. For instance, Father God is the Grand Earth Trine. Mother God is the Grand Water Trine. Both of these Trines are overlaying each other creating a six-pointed star. This is known as the Star of David. You are being empowered to recreate yourself. This astrology is expanding our consciousness. We are awakening. The New Earth and human are being born.

You are experiencing growing pains. Fear is not real. Fear is the ego. Ego will edge God out (Higher Self). Release your pain. Staying in your pain will not move you forward. The ego tricks us into keeping the pattern of pain. Your future soul mates are waiting for you. Be open to the new opportunities emerging. Be bold. Be courageous. Why not take a chance in a new direction, new friendship and/or new location? The past does not equal the future. Cut your ties to the painful past. We are boldly going where no man or woman has gone. We are on the leading edge of thought.  God’s energy is liberating your mind.  We are creating the New Reality. We are the architects and builders of the New Earth. We want to empower Gaia and ourselves by creating from love not fear.

Release relationships that are distractions. Ask yourself is this relationship part of your goals, real needs and life path direction? If it is, then it will support you. This is a soul mate. If s/he does not support you, it will be a karmic entanglement.  Your ego can deceive you to stay in the pain. Instead, go forward. Shine your light. Don’t hide your truth. Share what you have learned with others. Teach what you know.  We teach what we have learned in life. Your life lessons make you experts and Self-masters, when you use painful experiences for your growth.


“What’s it all about? You. Who you are, what you learn and how you grow. Then, you share it with all.”  – Ivo/Lisa Dorr


Be who you truly are. Be who you came to earth to be during her transition home. You are a Shining Star. You are the Sun Center of your universe. You are creating your reality. You are a powerful creator. Live from your heart then you will be Authentic Love. You can have abundance, love and fulfillment.  We need to be in alignment with our soul’s needs, wishes and desires. Resisting the will of our soul creates inner struggle and strife.  We cannot be successful living from the ego and filling up from the outside. We are to live from our heart and soul. Be a brilliant light the world can see. Share your Authentic Love.


“We are stardust. We are golden.And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.”

– Joni Mitchell

 Leo New Moon ~ Authentic Love

” What makes a king out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage! What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the “ape” in apricot? What have they got that I ain’t got? Courage! “

– Cowardly Lion, Wizard of Oz

Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano

Happy Leo New Moon!

Leo New Moon ~ Authentic Love

August Astrological Events

Leo New Moon August 6

Jupiter Opposes Pluto August 7

Mercury enters Leo August 8

Venus enters Libra August 16

Aquarius Full Moon August 20

Jupiter squares Uranus August 21

Sun enters Virgo August 22

Mercury enters Virgo August 23

Mars enters Leo August 27

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4 thoughts on “Leo New Moon ~ Authentic Love”

  1. thanks for the Leo new moon article so uplifting and inspiring. informed and articulate.
    I’m looking at and working with my thought forms in this present moment, easier said sometimes!!
    much love

  2. When you speak of GOD, do you mean the Christian GOD?

    I understand what you said about fear. I have recently stepped away from a Christian religion that was only recently introduced to me. The church was making me feel uneasy and stuck with their old school beliefs. I felt good seeking and finding GOD. Now I’m just confused and lost.

    — Linda

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