New Moon Solar Eclipse

We start the New Year with the Moon in optimistic and far-reaching Sagittarius, a positive omen for 2011.  On December 5th, during the New Moon in Sagittarius, we stepped into the fertile grounds of unlimited potential and possibilities which remain fertile until the New Moon Solar Eclipse on January 4, 2011.  We have the opportunity, now, to map out what we want to manifest in 2011.

What you are feeling right now could determine what you feel throughout the entire year.  What you are thinking and doing right now will set the stage for 2011. The cosmic message is to be positive and forward focused.  Keep the faith. Persevere. Keep believing, for the best is yet to come.

We want to stay out of fear, worry and anxiety. This can be a hard test to pass when others hurt us and let us down, or when we feel overwhelmed by negative news and events.  Sometimes life can feel so harsh I think of that saying, “It is easier to die than to live”. On the other hand, this time is so intense and powerful we do not want to waste it on negative emotions. Do not sit and simmer in the wounds of your past. Burn the past. All power is in the now. Give yourself the gift of amnesia. We can let each new day be the first day of our lives. The choices we make today will determine our future.

“You are the only one who creates in your experience-no one else. Everything that comes to you comes by the power of your thought. If there are changes you would like to make, it will be of great value to begin telling a different story-not only about your body, but about all subjects that have been troubling to you. As you begin to positively focus, getting to feel so good about so many subjects, you will begin to feel the power that creates worlds flowing through you.” -Abraham

Solar and Lunar Eclipses are the most powerful transits we can experience and their effects last anywhere from six months to two years. Eclipses herald in major new beginnings and endings. You can use this Eclipse energy to release old stale roles that no longer serve you, follow your heart’s desires and more fully share your unique gifts with the world. Whatever wants to leave your life now, be it a relationship, job or lifestyle-Let it go. Resistance is futile.  The universe will tear it out of our bleeding hands. Think of it this way, instead of holding on to a comfortable place, we can have the freedom to pursue our heart’s desires. We can have work that gives us meaning, security and passion.

“Today is the beginning of something new and wonderful. Do whatever you would like to do. Go wherever you would like to go. You are capable and magnificent.” -Ivo/Lisa Dorr

The twin flame divine love energy is rising in all of us- it is time to be with your soul mate. You may even notice greater sexual energy in your root chakra. All of your chakras may be lighting up now as the Kundalini energy rises up the alter (spinal column) of your being. The body is the messenger, and the body wants its twin soul mate – the divine lover.  True love is not for the faint of heart, it is only for the strong.  The ego cannot love; it fights for control and is the murderer of love. That is why we must fight for love. We must not allow our ego to be the tool for the anti-forces of love which tear twin souls apart. The soul must fight for his or her soul mate. If soul mate love was easy to have in third dimension everyone would be living with their “one true love.”

We can be under love’s illusion in thinking when we find “the one” (after all, there can only be one), we will live happily ever after. Not so fast. Relationships create change, change creates conflict, conflict creates growth. Thus, growth in relationships creates conflict. Change and growth go hand in hand. It is healthy to challenge each other to grow and always be our best version of Self.

Research has shown what truly makes us happy, and it is not simply money. To be happy, we must have more money than our friends. That makes me laugh. Our children do not make us happy. In fact, our children can disappoint us. It is not the responsibility of our children to make us happy. It is their responsibility to find their own path to happiness. Happiness is not external. The secret to happiness is so simple. It is having a loving relationship with your soul mate.

What is the difference between marriage in third dimension and soul mates in higher dimensions? A great deal! Marriages on Earth do not always come from love, but rather for pragmatic reasons such as parental arrangements for their children, unplanned pregnancies, solidifying fortunes, keeping families “royal,” young people escaping from unhappy family life, and pure lust. None of those kinds of conditions exist in more highly evolved civilizations, where only deep friendship, compatibility, mutual respect and love lead to a long term commitment, which is honored by all who know the couple. Legalities play no part at all in those unions.” -Matthew and Suzy Ward

“The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” -Moulin Rouge

On December 20, 2010 we had a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. Lunar Eclipses are extra powerful Full Moons. Lunar eclipses bring to conscious awareness our true nature and feelings, and that which has been hidden from us in our sub-conscious minds. Our fears come closer to the surface. Lunar Eclipses can bring endings to the past, the unloving relationships, stale jobs, and unhealthy lifestyles. If we let go of what is not working and keep the faith-where we are heading may be better than our wildest and joyous imaginings. Trust your intuition and follow your heart in all your choices. When you do what is right for you, it is right for everyone else.

“You are creators, and you are vibrational beings. You are more about electronics; you are more about electricity; you are more about vibration than you are about the physical stuff that you think you are about. This physical stuff that you think you are about is all vibrational.” -Abraham

This Capricorn Solar Eclipse on January 4th is truly a great blessing. Venus the Goddess of Love and Money is favorably aspected at the eclipse.  Venus is opening the doors to new work opportunities and true love partnerships.  There is tremendous positive energy in January that will empower people to move boldly in new directions creating new pathways in living, loving and working. At the time of the Solar Eclipse, Jupiter and Uranus make their last conjunction in sensitive Pisces before Jupiter fires off into Aries on January 22nd.  These wild and crazy planets ignite our genius mind, offering breakthroughs in our lives, creativity, inventions, and new discoveries. We are no longer willing to settle for less than what we deserve. You are here to have it all: a life filled with joy, abundance and passion.  The universe is giving us the fire and courage to reach for what we want.

In the first half of transitional 2011, we will all be very active. In the second half of the year, we will experience great gains and harvest the fruit of our labor.

The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn will provide us with favorable supportive energy to build our new lives.  Saturn in Libra is squaring the Solar Eclipse forcing us to re-examine our relationships, the roles we play, move out of the victim consciousness, and create win/win solutions. Saturn does not care what agreements we make, just that we keep them. This is a special time to shift out of old patterns of self-limitation and make major changes in our lives.

This Solar Eclipse is an extra powerful New Moon and depending on where it falls in your birth chart, and the aspects it will make to your natal planets, determines the area of life that is dramatically changing for you. Make friends with change. Change is our friend. Remember that eclipses only take that which is obsolete. The universe will not take from you that which you need to live a healthy, happy and thriving life. Capricorn asks us to own our power. Do not give your power away to the government, the institutions, the television or other people. Be the observer. Where do you need to reclaim your authority? Watch how you own, use, get and keep your power. Trust your own inner authority.


2011 will be a crossroads year, what path will you choose? What do you love and value? What beliefs need to be updated in regards to your relationships, money and lifestyle? What is possible for you now? What do you want to create in 2011? I think we are all asking, “Will 2011 be a better year than 2010?”


In my humble opinion, 2011 will be a historical year and a year of profound life-changing choices personally, professionally and spiritually.

For many people 2010 felt like an endurance test; where we were just hanging on, waiting for things to change for the better.  This could be your turning-point-year, filled with brilliant breakthroughs onto new horizons. If we stay open and be flexible, we can awaken into a new life, new identity, and a new worldview. What is possible for you now?

“Review all you have accomplished this year. Celebrate! Acknowledge that which has yet to be accomplished and ask yourself, “Is this something I would still like to do?” If so, create a plan for moving ahead with it. There is time.” -Ivo/Lisa Dorr

Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano

“Beloved beacons of Light, you cannot comprehend how powerful you are becoming. You, the new World Servers, are creating a mastermind, mass-consciousness which is gradually infiltrating and changing the old third/fourth-dimensional collective-consciousness belief patterns, thereby assisting others to release their deeply ingrained fears, sense of shame, unworthiness, guilt and impoverishment. As you expand your awareness and tap into thehigher dimensional frequencies and then make a commitment to live your truth as you know it, you begin a process of creating a mass-belief structure of higher, refined frequencies which will join with the Light-infused patterns of others, thereby radiating the vibrations of Love/Light out into the world of cause. And as you join with others of like mind, you create a synergy that expands exponentially into an ever-widening circle of refined group consciousness.

We honor you for your bravery. We know that your journey has been long and arduous; however, we tell you this, sweet friends: your time of pain and suffering is gradually becoming a thing of the past-a memory that will slowly fade away. The time of miracles is at hand. Each day, we eliminate more of the restrictive energies between us as we dissolve more of the negativity that swirls in the ethers. We give you our assurance that soon you will have your validation as to what the coming Age of greatness will be like. And you will know, without any doubt, the integral part you have played. I was with you when you first stepped onto planet Earth so many Ages ago, and I will remain to guide, inspire and sustain you until you are ready to return to your true estate in the glorious realms of our Father/Mother God. I AM forever your friend, guardian and companion in Spirit.   I AM Archangel Michael.”  -Ronna Herman

May 2011 be the best year of your life!

Creating 2011

What would it be like if you literally could create the future?  Are you willing to experiment?

Here is a process that has produced some amazing results for people in past years. Use it to replace the New Year’s resolutions you are about to make.

Step 1: Imagine it is December 31, 2011.

Step 2: Imagine you are looking back over the year 2011 and reflecting on all the wonderful, successful outcomes you had. See them. Touch them. Feel them. (It is through the power of emotion that we manifest our heart’s true desires.)

Step 3: Now take pen (or computer) in hand and write yourself a letter describing everything that happened in 2011. What do you have in your life on December 31, 2011 that you are grateful for?  It may be a new job, career or perhaps you have resolved a major problem with a relationship. Maybe it’s a new home, a more stable financial situation, better health, a changed lifestyle where you spend less time working and more time doing the things you really want to do. You can work less and make more life. Whatever it is, write it down. Be specific. For instance, if it’s increased income, say how much.

Step 4: Now, take a look at each item and see what action steps you took during the year 2011 that produced the wonderful outcomes you are enjoying. Write those actions in your calendar, indicating when they took place.  Again, be as detailed as possible.

Step 5: Now, put the letter away and look forward to pulling it out to read it next year on December 31, 2011 when you compare your letter with what you actually did.  You will be amazed! Especially if you take the action steps you wrote down as you come to them on the calendar during the course of the year.

Dream on… Dream until your dreams come true.

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