As the Phoenix rises from the ashes of the past,
You too can recreate yourself and make a fresh start.
You can experience a Brilliant Breakthrough.
Begin Again Phoenix Rising-1
You can learn to stay on the path even when the road twists, turns, and has obstacles. You can feel vibrant, healthy and empowered. How do you do this? You keep your mind engaged and focused on inspired action. You do this by putting your energy into innovation. Healing yourself, strengthening yourself and innovating your life where it needs expansion and fulfillment.
Brilliant Breakthroughs
We are experiencing unprecedented transformation both personally and collectively. No wonder we can feel overwhelmed or fearful of the changes being required of us. We are trying to hold on to our balance, keep our spirits up, stay positive and move forward.
Many people are experiencing job changes, long-term relationship completions, health issues and/or financial problems. The Brilliant Breakthroughs program is designed to strengthen and empower you. The Brilliant Breakthroughs program can offer you fresh insight and new solutions to old problems. This program can help make your changes less stressful and more like a breakthrough into Self-mastery.
You will use the Breakdown to Breakthrough model. You will start from the endings that are currently happening− e.g., a job or relationship− and evolve to new beginnings. Life is a journey.
Your process is as important as your destination. You can choose to be positive and proactive, even if your growth is swift and painful. Attitude is everything. You must be willing to do your inner work and take full responsibility for your choices and behavior. You can turn your obstacles into stepping-stones. Remember: every adversity, setback and/or challenge carries with it the opportunity to learn, grow and advance from the experience.
Experiencing a Brilliant Breakthrough may require that you raise your standards and upgrade your relationships. You want to be in your integrity and practice the golden rule− Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. You want to speak your truth and choose what is right for you− this is true empowerment. We have to tell the truth about how we feel and what we want.
You are the master of your destiny.
Remember that when you do what is right (heart-centered) for you, it is right (real love) for everyone else:
• What does your heart really want?
• What is right for you?
• What is right work for you?
• What is your right living location?
• What is the right relationship for you?
• What is your right life path?
Is your heart into what you are choosing for yourself? It is time to choose wisely. If not, it could be a false start and a waste of your precious time, resources, and energy.
Additionally, it is time to release any resistance, especially your resistance to the changes taking place in your life. In other words, choose your battles wisely. Hang loose on any judgments to what is happening. You may not yet have a full understanding of the events unfolding. What seems to be negative on the surface could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. For instance, the new lover to whom you were ready to give your body, mind, and soul reveals that he is married. This can feel negative and painful at first, but in the end, you are being protected from a dishonorable person.
There will be plenty of empowerment tools in the homework and exercise sections. The intention is to empower you and your new life. Hope and a dream can take you there. Let’s get started and have some fun!
Here we find ourselves at the end of a situation, a relationship, a job lay-off, a business closing, and so on. We can feel as if we are operating in crisis mode and things around us seem to be falling apart. In truth, we are in completion and ending. These events are not always graceful. Go easy on yourself if you feel less than a Self-master and feel more like a lost soul. Take comfort, you are not alone. Everyone is experiencing these life-changing events.
This experience is like a death of sorts. Each of us has our own timetable for this process. We do not want to rush the process of breakdown and we do not want to stay too long in grief or the void.
People and organizations that deal well with change are prepared for the inevitable emotional stages of the process. In her seminal research on grief and death, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross chronicled six recognizable stages of denial, an¬ger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, and hope.
These stages seem most likely to manifest when 1) change is externally imposed and 2) something of value is being lost or given up because of the change. During the breakdown phase, we may find ourselves in denial, depression and then move onto hope and acceptance. We can jump around quite a bit in the first few months of our endings, e.g., we feel acceptance then flip into denial and hope, then reverse into anger.
Each one of us will process in our own unique way. For instance, you may find your process takes you from denial to anger to acceptance only to find yourself back in anger. There are no shortcuts to our growth. Please be patient with your process and allow your life to unfold naturally.
You Can Breakthrough to a New Life of Your Design.
Brilliant Breakthroughs
Breakdown to Breakthrough Process
You Can Move from fear to freedom.
Love can conquer fear.
Take Your Life to the Top!
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Self-Actualization
We will empower your Self-Esteem and Self-Actualization.
All programs are nonrefundable.
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