Sagittarius New Moon, What do you believe is possible for you?

Sagittarius New MoonThe sun soars into Sagittarius on November 22. The sun loves being in Sagittarius. This is where the sun has room to roam. You will turn your focus from the deep dark waters of Scorpio. To the warm fires of Sagittarius and this energy will be uplifting. The New Moon in Sagittarius happens a few hours later on November 22. This is a very active New Moon. It is at zero degrees. It is time to honor the struggles and battles you have faced in the past. Let them go. You are getting a fresh start. What would you do if you were fearless?

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 22 encourages you to dream big. Sagittarius rules future vision. Sagittarius is about truth, wisdom and the expansion of consciousness. You are not to be limited or held back by what is going on in your life today. Sagittarius is the visionary part of you. Visionaries see things others either do not see as clearly or are not as motivated to act on. They have the ability to see into the future…to see more deeply into the present and see the “bigger picture.” Go here to use the Shift for Visionaries Program.


• What is your life purpose?
• What do you want for yourself?
• What do you want for others?
• What would you do if you were ten times bolder?
• What would you dare to do if you knew you could not fail?


Albert Einstein believed that imagination is everything. Without dreams the people perish. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe the mind of man can achieve. The great Napoleon Hill taught us that truth. What do you believe is possible? You do not get what you want in life. You get what you believe. New Moons are new beginnings. The Sagittarius New Moon invites you to be creative. Get out of the box of limited thinking. Challenge your perceptions of reality. Question what you are being told when it does not resonate for you. Discover what is true for you. Align your goals with your truth and you will be successful. What is your point of brilliance? Your point of brilliance is where you shine the brightest. That is doing what you do to the best of your ability.


• What do you want professionally?
• What do you want for your clients, customers and/or patients?
• Why do you do what you do?
• What do you offer that is unique and/or excites you?
• Do you work with passion?
• What is your legacy?
• What do you want to leave behind after you are gone?


The New Moon is being challenged by dreamy Neptune. Neptune represents your highest ideals. Neptune reveals your ideal work and ideal relationship. Neptune says if you can visualize it. You can create it. Neptune represents levels of God-consciousness that go beyond your human mind. That is why Neptune can be so confounding. Dreams feel real. Reality feels like a dream. Neptune reminds you that life is but a dream. Balance your need to dream with your duties. You want to find the middle ground in your daily responsibilities, with your need to dream and create. There is a naiveté with this energy. Do not go by what people say to you. Go by their behavior. It is never the talk. It is always the walk. Make sure that you too are clear with people. This energy is ripe for miscommunication. This can lead to further problems down the road. Be proactive. Be humble. Don’t get caught up in ego battles. The dark side to Sagittarius is prejudice. Religious intolerance. The illusion that we are separate from each other this leads to war.

Mercury the messenger enters Sagittarius on November 27. On the one hand, this is an encouraging and inspiring energy. On the other hand, you want to watch out for making big plans and promises. The messenger’s long visit in deep dark Scorpio can overreact now that he is in exuberant Sagittarius. You want to be careful not to over commit and under deliver. You don’t want to appear as the jack of all trades and the master of none. It is wiser to under promise. You can then over deliver. This will make you the hero and not the villain.

The Sagittarius New Moon message is to create your future from the power of your vision. I have included the Personal Path Vision tool here for you. This can empower you to build a fabulous future. The New Moon presents the opportunity for you to question what you believe. Limiting beliefs need to be discarded. Use the New Moon to evolve. Let it go if something is not working for you. Flow with your changes. Your creative Self-expression comes from your magical inner child. Your inner child is your dazzling soul. Empower your soul. Make progressive changes that will make your life better. Make right choices for what you need. Listen to your heart. Listen to your soul. Archangel Michael is the Great Protector. Ask the Angels to help you. The call compels the answer. Heaven waits to assist you. Real growth is painful at times. Pain makes you feel alive. Joy makes you feel alive. You may experience challenges and loss in order to grow you. The caterpillar is in pain giving birth to the butterfly. We have to fight for our freedom from the Matrix.

Freedom to be who you really are is the gift of Sagittarius. You are to question authority. Give no quarter to those who do not love and respect you. Creator’s Love, Grace and Blessings are flowing in and around you. Sagittarius invites you to reach for the stars. Go for your dreams. Your mantra is “For My Highest Good and for the Highest Good for All Concerned.” You can pass every test on your path of initiation. The Ascension is won by successfully mastering your personal lessons in the school of hard knocks. This is why change can be so intense. You are graduating from the lower dimensions. You are being born again into Higher Consciousness. There is a time to every season. Embrace the change. Release, let go and you will soar higher.


“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted;A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.” — Ecclesiastes 3:1


Sagittarius New Moon

 “Don’t do anything that you don’t really want to do. Keep yourself in a place of feeling good. Reach for the thought that feels better — and watch what happens.” — Abraham


Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano

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Sagittarius December 2014 Astrology

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Happy Sagittarius New Moon!

Sagittarius New Moon Chart.jpg


November/December Astrological Events

New Moon Sagittarius November 22

Mercury enters Sagittarius November 27

Happy Thanksgiving November 27

Aries Moon conjunct Uranus square Pluto December 1

Aries Moon trine Mercury & Sun in Sagittarius December 1

Mars enters Aquarius December 4

Gemini Full Moon December 6

Jupiter retrograde December 8 — April 8, 2015

Venus enters Capricorn December 10

Uranus Pluto square December 14-15

Final Uranus Pluto square March 16-17, 2015

Mercury enters Capricorn December 16

Venus conjunct Pluto square Uranus December 20

Uranus direct December 21

Sun enters Capricorn December 21

Moon enters Capricorn December 21

Winter/Summer Solstice December 21

Capricorn New Moon December 21-22

Saturn enters Sagittarius December 23

Merry Christmas December 25

New Year’s Eve Moon in Taurus on December 31

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 Kelley Rosano

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