Summer Solstice June 21, 2009

In these transformational times we are experiencing you need a strong mind, body and spirit to keep up with your evolution. It is human to have needs this does not make you needy. What do you need to feel strong, safe and secure?

As the Sun travels through the constellation of Cancer we experience the beauty and joy of summer season.  Cancer has everything to do with our feelings, our needs, feeling safe and secure our sense of family, tribe and belonging.  Cancer rules the fourth house—the foundation of your life, without a strong foundation, we can easily be overwhelmed and scared by the transformation taking place in our world.

Climber Small

Thriving Through Transformational Times here is strategy number one:

1. Practice Healthy Selfishness.

a) Set Your Boundaries.

b) Raise You Personal Standards.

Practice Healthy Selfishness

When you do what is right for you, it is right for everyone else.  Make choices based from your Inner Being and not from what you think others want from you. Living life from the inside out will ensure that your personal needs are met. Thus, you can be more available to others and you will life authentically and powerfully.


A boundary is a line you draw all around you that permits only the behaviors of others, which are acceptable and nourishing to you. Tolerations. There are no excuses or reasons to let anyone do anything to you that hurts you, distracts you, uses you or commands your attention. You will want to establish a boundary, which is MUCH MORE THAN YOU ACTUALLY NEED. Be rigorous with yourself on this one. You cannot get your needs met if you are unwilling to set significant boundaries, so no excuses, okay? BE SELFISH ON THIS ONE! When you set a boundary, you are protecting your heart, soul and what we call Self. So, you cannot be your Self without the protection provided by strong, healthy boundaries. The people who really care about you will honor these boundaries, and will care for you more. But give everyone time to get used to them.


After you have started on boundaries and your Selfishness, begin to substantially raise your Personal Standards. (PS’s) are the behaviors you hold your Self to – to become a bigger person. Speak straight • Be unconditionally constructive • Be responsible for how you are heard, not what you say • Not smoke or abuse your body • Be early, always; avoid all adrenaline rushes Set PS’s which are a stretch, but not ones, which will cause you to fail. You will have plenty of time to upgrade them with the extra energy you receive as your needs become met.

The New Moon in Cancer on June 22nd

The Sun and Moon conjunct in Cancer. We have powerful Pluto opposing this New Moon and Sun demanding that we examine our beliefs around power.  Making it crystal clear that we need to own our power.   We need to stay consciously aware how we give our power away. Perhaps we deny our own inner child and our needs do not get fully met.  Ask your inner child, which is your soul, what he or she needs from you?  The greater connection you have inside of Self will increase your inner power. Making your life easier and more fun.   Here is an exercise for freeing up your energy.

Exercise: Forgive Self and forgive others for actual or imagined hurts.  Not so you can reestablish connections, but so that you can free your energy from all negativity. Practice letting go. Going to sleep at night give it all over to Source. I give over to you God______________   (give God the problem, the person the situation you have no control over.)  Once you release your problems to your Higher Power. You will attract new energy, new opportunities, new wealth and new friendships.

Happy Father’s Day Sunday June 21st.

Love and positive expansion,

Kelley Rosano

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