There was a time when I wasn’t as confident in myself or my ability to manifest the things I wanted into my life. I would scroll Instagram with WONDERING eyes, asking myself, “When will my time come?” I’d see people that traveled the world and folks that had big beautiful homes – people that seemed to live the life I wanted. I’d feel a pit in my stomach. Am I doing something wrong? I pondered that it may never happen for me. I wondered, “Why them? How did they do it?” And more importantly, “Why aren’t these things happening to me?!”
I think we’ve all been here before. You might see your neighbor buy a new luxury car. Or, you hear about a family member getting a big raise. Another one of your friends got engaged, and you’re still single and looking. It’s easy to let yourself feel “less-than” and get caught up in the negative ego.
As you work on your mindset, connect with your Source. Meditate and go out into nature. Ground yourself to the earth. See the infinite abundance that is in nature. The animal and plant kingdoms are rich in beauty. The birds never seem to ponder what their neighbors have and feel like they’re lacking.
Become more in tune with the oneness around you. It’s easy to see another’s success and worry you’re not getting yours fast enough. Worry is using the power of your mind to create what you don’t want.
Thinking that you’re not doing enough is another illusion. I had one belief that really held me back for years. That was: making money is hard work. So, why would I want to make more money, if that’s going to mean more hard work for me? The biggest thing that holds you back from greater prosperity is your MONEY MINDSET. You don’t get what you want. You get what you believe. What’s STRONGER than beliefs? KNOWING! What you KNOW is your truth. Know that you are worthy.
Know that Creator wants you to live the abundant life. Why would this be true? Do you want the best for your children? The truth is, the more prosperous you are, the better you can do in the world. You lift others up through your example. The greatest gift you can give to this world is to make the most of yourself. Like a Lighthouse that shows others the way, inspiration and real-life examples of success are what people need. “If you can do it, I can do it too!”
The Money Report can help you understand your relationship to your prosperity. Your Part of Fortune is your greatest happiness and Joy. Knowing where it falls in your natal birth chart and in what sign can help you. For me, my Part of Fortune is in Taurus, which means I build wealth through reliable, and secure projects. This is true for me. Also, my Part of Fortune is in my 9th house. My greatest happiness and Joy come from my relationship with God. This too is true for me. My prosperity is tied to my beliefs (9th house.) Absolutely! What and where is your Part of Fortune? Get my Money Report!
Today, you may have circumstances or events that happen along your path that FEEL like setbacks. Nasty reminders that you’re not where you want to be YET. You may see this as the Universe challenging you. You might see it as an opportunity to get perspective and be appreciative in that moment. The truth is your Mighty I Am Presence and You chose these challenges for you before you were even born.
Why would I make my life so much harder, you may ask? Self-mastery comes from lessons learned. The good news is you were also given the tools to overcome the challenges and setbacks you placed on your life path.
When I face big decisions and change I didn’t choose or a problem in my life, I slow down. I keep myself in the moment. I ask myself, “What is my lesson here?” “What do I need to learn to move forward?” “Why am I feeling the way I feel?” I listen to my Inner Being. I patiently wait for Spirit to guide me.
In most cases, I’m in my head, and in my own way. I hear Spirit tell me I need to trust and surrender. I chose this lesson to become stronger. To prove to myself that I CAN DO IT. Surrender, in my experience, leads to bigger and better breakthroughs on the other side. It gives you space to invite in more creativity and ideas into your reality. More importantly, it throws you back into the energy of gratitude; gratitude for your health, your family. Or simply that things could be worse but, thank goodness, they aren’t!
When you play the comparison game on social media, it’s easy for you to slip back into the mindset of doubt. If your desires aren’t manifesting fast enough, then you fear they won’t happen at all. You see the success of others, and instead of feeling happy for them. You feel less than.
I can’t stress enough: someone else’s success doesn’t take away from yours. If you haven’t received this gift from me, here are The Top Techniques for Your Prosperity and Success Now!
You don’t lose out on something because someone else already has it. Other people are not more capable than you. They’re not better or smarter than you, and they’re not more deserving than you. Their timeline is moving at a different speed than yours. You want to see someone else’s victories as an inspiration to you. It’s a reminder that If they can achieve it, SO CAN YOU!
I know that I have touched on this last time. But if I could offer you only one piece of advice for your future success, it would be that everything happens in your perfect time. So, don’t stress. Please don’t compare yourself to others. What you’re doing and the choices you’ve made to get here have led you to be precisely where you need to be. Where you’re meant to be. Trust your intuition as lessons and ideas come to you. The present is perfect. Because it is getting you to the next step.
You never know how long someone struggled before they finally achieved their goals. You never know where someone is in their timeline compared to you. Don’t get caught up in the anxious pit of despair that so many others fall in. You don’t have to have everything figured out at a specific time, get married and start a family by a certain age, or buy a house by a specific time.
Everyone is here on this planet to fulfill an individual purpose. TRUST your own path and your personal timeline. If you don’t have what you want now. This doesn’t mean you won’t ever get it. It means that there’s something you need to do or learn before you can unlock that next step. What is the next step for you? What is the One Thing you can do right now to improve your life? Go do that!
Time is irrelevant because it’s never too late to start. It’s never too late to finish. And, it’s never too late to dream a new dream. As you check them off your list, release the dream that no longer holds meaning for you. What gives your life MEANING? What would you dare to dream, if you knew you could not fail? Isn’t it exciting that you can keep aspiring for more?
It’s time for you to tap into that abundant, beautiful, and super energy that already exists in you. That universal flow of energy you came from is already within you. Your success is inevitable if you plan to succeed. Your continued willingness to learn and grow will always bring you great breakthroughs. See every challenge as an OPPORTUNITY to learn and watch your dream life unfold just as you intended before you arrived on planet Earth. What’s next? It seems if it is not one thing, then it is another. Much Joy and Abundance, I am sending your way.
with enormous love,
So inspiring and aligned with how I feel… Thank you Kelley!
Lots of love…(from a Scorpio who is always trilled with your astro forecasts on Youtube)
Thank you so much Kelly!!
Thank you so much Kelly!
This is really what I needed to hear today, I have been struggling and pushing too hard and its driving me nuts. Mainly because of the fear of lack because it was there but beauty is around us in every shape and it is wonderful to be a live. I am dealing with 22 years of addiction, putting to bed an old life and learning my new one. 10 months in, its been the biggest lesson I needed to have. I am working on my new identity but I am the most impatient person.
The most beautiful revelation came out of putting this to bed, I now found my love and created a business in events doing the things that got me through it all – musicality, spirituality and fitness. They are what I live for, my peace and my happy place. Thank you for sharing your love in this world it is so appreciated! Much love to you… G xx