Who rules your second house of money?

Did you ever wonder how Beyoncé and Oprah run empires with the same 24 hours a day that we all have? Sure, they have plenty of hired help. At the end of the day, though, they sink or swim based on their own mindset, motivation, and business savvy. No one you ever hire will be 100% focused on you. 

I remind myself of this all the time. No matter how much support from loved ones I have, I run my own business. And no matter how much help I may hire, success is still up to me. And your success is up to YOU! You can either have excuses or results. But you can’t have both. Distractions too are the death of success.

And here’s the thing: Once you find your PASSION, it’s not about work anymore. It’s about the JOY of doing what you love. Not that I love everything that I do every day, because I don’t. It’s that my passion gives me my Purpose to get out of bed in the morning and keep going through the fear and chaos of these turbulent times.  

I do love teaching. And this too was confirmed for me in my Personalized Money Report. I have talked about this with you in the past. I also have Virgo ruling on the second house. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo. Your second house rules your personal income. And what you love and value. How to maximize your resources for your greatest success. 

My Money Report suggests that I can be financially influential with my personality. For instance, this might suggest success through sales, marketing or other mercurial occupations, i.e. writing, speaking, and lecturing. I do enjoy all of these activities. And they’ve helped me be successful throughout my life. Who rules your second house of money?

I too notice the cyclical effect of Mercury retrograde in my business. And I am thrilled that Mercury who rules commerce and the marketplace is now direct! This is good news. YAY!

I am incredibly grateful to those that have trusted me over the years. While they learned from me. I too have learned from them. I’ve acquired new skills, but most of all. I’ve learned how and where I can best help.  

Between YouTube and the Academy, I get asked a lot about how I manage so many different projects. Here’s my best advice:  


Spend at least 10% of your time planning. Figure out what needs to get done. Write everything down, from the biggest tasks to the smallest.



In order to be effective, you want to work SMART. 

Not sure how to prioritize? First, review the list of tasks that you’ve created. 

Next, weed out the secondary tasks. These are the things that you can’t do just yet. For example, there’s no need to put a mailing list sign up on your website until you have a lead magnet to give away. Which means you give a gift for signing up. And you want to make sure that you tell people what that gift is; because we love getting free stuff. It makes us feel special to get gifts. Its human nature.

And, there’s no sense working on social media posts until you’ve set up your accounts. Customers need to have a place to land. And this will prove that you are ready to RECEIVE the abundance the universe wants to send to you. 

Once you’ve narrowed down your list to your primary tasks – the things you CAN do right now – then plan out what will give you the most impact. Here’s one example: researching to find a business niche will go farther than creating a hundred products to see what works. And a mailing list can be way more powerful than posting on Facebook every day.  

If you’re still stuck, remember this: there is no right or wrong answer. If you aren’t certain where to focus your time, pick a task, and work on it. It’s better to move forward doing something than sit still and do nothing. Action speaks louder than struggling and helps to move the energy forward.


Once you’ve got your list of priority tasks, schedule them on your calendar. Even if you only have one hour a week, or 10 minutes here and there, schedule them in. Then, stick to your schedule.  

You’ll want to review your schedule every morning. Make sure you’re prepared to work when you can. That might mean taking your laptop, journal, or other work items with you first thing in the morning.  

And don’t forget to be smart about your schedule. Have an extra hour while the kids are at practice? Use that time and get some work done. Waiting at the doctor’s office? Work on the engagement for your social media or responding to your YouTube comments. 



Make sure that you continue the process. Spend time planning every week. Did you get everything done you wanted to? If not, why not? Make a note of your challenges and what you can do to tackle them. Do you need to add new tasks to your priority list? Do you need to reschedule something from last week?  

Remember, only YOU can hold yourself accountable for your dreams. If you truly want something, you CAN achieve it. The only thing holding you back is you.


“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” 

 –Colin Powell 



Lastly, and this is a big one. Make sure to REWARD yourself for finishing your tasks. It’s important not to just jump to the next thing. Instead, take a moment and celebrate your accomplishments. Celebrate your hard work. Celebrate the small wins and the lessons. Reward yourself for doing the work. It can be for five fun minutes. Put your favorite song on and dance. Small moments can do BIG things for you.  There are up and down days. Life is no rose garden. And remember that a job well done is its own reward in personal satisfaction. It keeps a smile on your face. And what success means for me. What makes you feel successful? Feedback on the blog we would love to hear from you.

To your greatest success!  

Love and Abundance, 




The Personalized Money Report is a fantastic tool to help you understand your relationship with money. And, how you can maximize your natal birth chart to build abundance!

2 thoughts on “Who rules your second house of money?”

  1. Hey Kelley are you doing okay long time no see but I’m okay in new York we try to make better hi see you doing very wel. Have great success day

  2. Dear Kelley – Thank you so much! This is EXCITING STUFF! I’m determined to sell my house for the right price so I can move to a precious log cabin by the sea. Adore both Art and Astrology but lately the latter gets me up in the mornings, PLUS the man of my dreams, who finally arrived after 5 1/2 years! I don’t need to be reminded how to celebrate (wink wink) … I have Venus in Scorpio in the 2nd House. The rulership of Scorpio is Mars. Mars conjunct Pluto in my 12th House, Gemini MC with a stellium in Libra of Sun, Mercury, Neptune & South Node. My chart is chock full of hard aspects, so no rest for the wicked! I mean, I’m supposed to be retired … I love your podcasts and truly appreciate your immense energy, warmth, and astuteness. Sending you blessings, Regards, Anjali

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