Capricorn Full Moon — Embrace Your Power

Capricorn Full MoonJuly starts with fireworks. There is an intense Capricorn Full Moon on the first. The Sun is in Cancer with Mars. They are opposing the Moon and Pluto. Pluto is power and transformation. He is regeneration. That is the strength to rejuvenate your body, life and career. Pluto is highly active at this Full Moon. Bringing to light issues around power. How you use power. How you own your power. On the other hand, how you give your power away. You are here to be powerful. You need your power to be successful in your life. Power is required.
Neptune is in a positive energy flow with both lights (the Sun and the Moon.) He is in a closer proximity than Pluto is to the Full Moon. This provides Neptune more strength to influence this Moon. Neptune is offering you a way out from the intensity that Pluto may generate. Be creative. Dream big. Wherever Capricorn lands in your natal birth chart is where this Full Moon is happening for you. Watch out for the dark side of Pluto. That is power struggles and power plays. Manipulation and hidden agendas. These can get in the way of healthy relationships. Avoid negative people like the plague.
Guilt means you are going in the right direction. Guilt is your soul prompting you to do something. Play hooky from work. Have a fun day at the park. Goof off just for the Joy of it. Do something fun. Cancer encourages you to nourish your soul’s desires. Do what is comforting. Do what feeds your soul. Cancer is the cosmic child. You are a timeless. Your soul is immortal. You are not your relationships. You are not your work. You are a great spiritual being. You are powerful creator. Use this Full Moon to create what you desire. Eliminate what no longer serves your soul. Dream on.

“Recall a childhood moment where you felt safe and loved.” – Ivo/Lisa Dorr

The Sun is in Cancer. Cancer rules your emotional needs. It is the feminine principal of receptivity and compassion. Capricorn rules your ambition and success in the world. The Capricorn Full Moon will bring to light where you may have gone too far in one area. Have you been too focused on work at the expense of your personal needs? On the other hand, have you been too engrossed by your relationships and your work is suffering?

• What supports your balance?
• What makes you feel healthy and strong?
• What do you need to feel safe and secure?

Venus and Jupiter are coupled at the Full Moon. This is a very positive energy. Blessing you with inspiration and hope. Allow the new doors to open for you. Let new people enter your life. Do not fear new people. There are angles who walk among us. Be open to the new beginnings that are now in your life. Let love open a greater portal to the truth of your being and your life. Say aloud. “Thank you universe for the new opportunities that are now in my life.” Align with what you want. Eliminate distractions. Align with your goals. Your goal is to be strong and lean in your body. Emotional eating will not support your goal. It is time to walk your talk. Get off the fence. Make a commitment to you and your goals. Make a commitment to your success. Be determine to make your dreams come true.
Mercury the messenger is on the move in July. He is in harmony with both Uranus and Jupiter at the Full Moon. Mercury too is dancing with Venus. This is new opportunities for you. Positive people may connect with you. New beginnings are exciting and fun. Mercury enters Cancer on July 8. You can unite your heart and head.
Mars is in a harmonious energy flow to Neptune at the Full Moon. It is exact on July 8. This energy gives power to your dreams. You can make your dreams come true. This is a constructive way to use the intense energy from Pluto. Be a warrior for peace. Be a soldier of compassion. Be determined. Create the win/win with other people.
The Capricorn Full Moon is calling you to balance your needs. Use the Needless program that is here for you. You can meet your own needs finally. What you need is not outside of you. It is possible to have all of your needs permanently met. This will make your life effortless. There are rewarding ways to fill up the time that is freed up when you are not chasing needs.

1. Do you need to establish better boundaries?

2. Practice healthy selfishness. When you put your soul first, you are in the driver seat of your life. You are the captain of your ship. It is the only way to lift your vibration and merge with Creator.

3. Raise your personal standards. If you are feeling needy, own it. But, don’t let it drive your choices. Or you may attract in needy people. Folks who are using you to avoid the work they need to be doing with Self. This is not love. This is co-dependency.

The Full Moon in Capricorn empowers you to be your own authority. You are the authority of your life. Own your power. Do not give it away to others, the job, and so on. You want to empower yourself. Do what makes you strong. Does your relationship make you feel stronger or weaker? Recognize your limitations and use them as your ally. Your limitations then become your strength. Set your priorities. Talent is not enough. You have to be willing to fight for your dreams. It is easy to walk away from a big dream. This is why the reward is so sweet. Never give up. Keep the faith. The tide is about turn in your favor. Do what empowers you. Embrace your power.  Use your power to soar higher.
Capricorn Full Moon
“Being happy is the cornerstone of all that you are! Nothing is more important than that you feel good! And you have absolute and utter control about that because you can choose the thought that makes you worry or the thought that makes you happy; the things that thrill you, or the things that worry you. You have the choice in every moment.” — Abraham
Love and Peace,
Kelley Rosano

July is an intense month. Make sure to take good care of you. You will want to be grounded and centered. These are turbulent times. You may find that Kelley’s programs are helpful for you. You need to right tools to achieve your goals. These programs designed for your empowerment and success.

Always Thriving Program
Love, Astrology and the Law of Attraction Program
Money, Astrology and Law of Attraction Program



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Capricorn Full Moon

July Astrological Events

Capricorn Full Moon July 1
Venus conjunct Jupiter July 1
Mercury sextile Uranus July 2
Mercury sextile Jupiter July 3
Mercury enters Cancer July 8
Mars Trine Neptune July 8
New Moon in Cancer July 15
Mercury conjunct Mars July 16
Venus enters Virgo July 18
Moon enters Virgo July 18
Sun trine Saturn 21
Mercury trine Saturn July 22
Sun enters Leo July 22
Mercury enters Leo July 23
Venus retrograde July 25 — September 6
Uranus Retrograde July 26 — December 25
Venus reenters Leo July 31
Full Moon Aquarius July 31

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 Capricorn Full Moon

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2 thoughts on “Capricorn Full Moon — Embrace Your Power”

  1. Harmen Shergill

    Thanks Kelley on Capricorn Full Moon was desperately waiting for this moment for a long time looks like my big ship is right around the corner like you mentioned in one of your Videos transformation is pain full I am very patiently waiting for that big day I know my DREAM is big so universe will judge my patience I am calm and nurturing my dream SKY’S THE LIMIT for me thanks for this news.DEC/31ST
    ☆☆☆☆☆CAPRICORN ☆☆☆☆☆

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