Leo Full Moon

The Leo Full Moon on Feb 7, 2012 reminds us that the wild wave of evolutionary change is washing away the past, carrying us into the Higher Dimensions the Aquarius—Sun and Leo—Moon and  illuminating how far we have come and what we need to do next.

Leo is the most vital of the signs ruled by the Sun. Leos have tremendous energy. Leos have a confidence and assurity that strengthens those who are timid and angers those who are seeking the power inherent in Leo. Leos are the kings, queens and royalty of the Zodiac. However, kings are outdated. Leos need to realize in the New Age royalty are the Spiritual Leaders who function through the heart and soul in real simplicity. What is simplicity you may ask? It is going to the heart of things and seeing things whole! Leo rules the heart–or the heart rules Leo.


Leo’s keyword is “Faith.” Leo’s key phrase is ‘I will.”


Leo’s faith and loyalty to those they love is very strong. Leos must learn detachment where those they love are concerned. The evolved Leo treats everyone as royalty and with respect. The unevolved Leo will demand to be the center of attention even when it is undeserved.

All energy and power comes from the Sun which rules Leo. Light and Power can warm or scorch, create or destroy. The solar radiation of the Sun has the power to bring forth life, but Leos have to use that life wisely or pay a heavy price. That is why Leos will must become God’s will, or they are in trouble.

There is a dignity, self-respect, courage and integrity in the evolved Leo individuals. They are honest, direct and fully dependable when they are evolved. Less evolved Leos are arrogant, egotistical and bombastic when they enthrone their ego where their Higher Self should be. Less evolved Leos can be cruel, conceited, pompous and arrogant.

Leo’s virtues are big ones so are their faults. Love should become divine compassion before their regeneration is complete. The Leo destiny is a high one. No man can be a true leader until he is willing to be servant to all. The greatest gift a Leo can bring to the world is an understanding heart.

“Remember Who You Are.” –The Lion King

Wherever Leo is found in our natal chart is where the affairs of the house are being illuminated. This is so we ‘see’ the need to fulfill our potential of the house affairs. This is where we need to be creative and express ourselves completely.

♥ What is your passion?

♥ What gives you positive energy?

♥ What empowers you and your creative Self-expression?

Mercury the messenger closely conjoins the Sun, emphasizing the power of shared intentions. What we think, say and do matters. We live in an attraction-based universe. There is no such thing as “no”. Everything means “yes” come to me—including our resistance and negative thoughts. What we focus our mind upon will grow and expand. Focus on what you want and not on what you do not want. Practice positive behavior concentrating on what is working in your life. We are to practice an attitude of gratitude for all of your blessings. This will add more blessings and fewer negatives. We are Powerful Creators. We are creating our Reality. The Law of Attraction runs the universe. What do you want to attract? Love, abundance and healing?  Then we must practice being loving. Abundance is not just money. Abundance is the ability to attract what we need.

“Trying times call for both wisdom and stamina. You have all you need to create resolve and return to balance again. Knowing this is important.” –Ivo/Lisa Dorr

Uranus—Aquarius ruling planet is in a semi-square with the Sun and Mercury at the Leo Full Moon doubling the cosmic message to welcome new information, contribute your talents, get creative and remain open to radical change.


We can all use a reprieve from Saturn’s Striving.


Saturn the ancient ruler of Aquarius moved in reverse just hours before the Full Moon. Saturn wants us to revamp or terminate whatever is imbalanced and unsustainable. Saturn will remain retrograde until June 25.  Saturn retrograde is a time to resolve our “unfinished business”.  Saturn retrograde is not the time to make important new career changes.  Saturn teaches us to work with our own limits.  We can use Saturn to be more ponderous and reflective rather than ambitiously striving to reach outer goals. Timing is everything!  Ambition is overrated. Our inner world reflects our outer world real change can only come from within.

♥ How can you work less and make more life?

♥ Do you use the Law of Attraction to manifest greater abundance?

♥ Are coming from love or fear—false evidence appearing real?

Mars and Saturn the career/work planets are in reverse. Neptune is direct and strong in his home sign Pisces. The cosmic message is that our personal and spiritual growth is our number one priority in 2012. Neptune in Pisces empowers us to see our interconnectedness and our unlimited potential.  ALL ARE ONE

The Leo Full Moon strengthens us to use our creative Self-expression. Be who-we-really-are. Be LOVE. We were born for these times. We came to create, shift, to make a difference, to participate in a grand experiment. We are all change agents, emissaries of our New Age. We are remembering the future we came to forge together. We are becoming conscious creators. Use this Leo Full Moon to take the next step on your personal life path. You are everything. Follow your heart. Follow your Bliss. Commit to expressing your Fullest Potential/Power.

“Within the seed of your desire is everything necessary for it to blossom to fulfillment. And Law of Attraction is the engine that does the work. Your work is just to give it a fertile growing place in order to expand” —Abraham

Happy Valentine’s Day!


All Are One,

Kelley Rosano

Upcoming All Are One Shows

February is the month of LOVE. It is our opportunity to discuss Twin Flames and Soul Mates. Above all, Venus and Neptune are driving 2012–given that our career/work planets are retrograde the first six-months of 2012.

Our Venus return chart for 2012 reveals our potential for love and abundance. I am creating a special “Twin Flames and Soul Mates” show—stay tuned.

Additionally, I am creating a special “Venus Return 2012” show—Venus—Jupiter, Mars and Pluto Earth Grand Trine coming in March. Something wonderful is about to happen! Venus is taking center stage in March. This powerful Earth Grand Trine is giving EVERYONE a Giant Boost in Abundance, LOVE and Healing.

We have all been through so much chaos, challenge and change for years. It may be difficult to believe that our lives are about to get a Giant boost UP. Grand trines are gifts from the Gods. These are freely given to us from our Father God for his pure JOY.

Pluto and Uranus will continue to give us backdrop noise—the collapsing old systems. However, this deeply personal Earth Grand Trine—Gifts from God–is for the 99%. Heaven wants us to know if we use the Law of Attraction to create win/win relationships. Living by the golden rule, “For My Highest Good and For the Highest Good For All Concerned.”–ALL ARE ONE.  Moreover, we will thrive and create peace in the midst of turmoil, change and confusion in the world.

Happy Leo Full Moon!

Leo Full Moon Mantra: “I Create Abundance.”

“I Am Abundant Today and Everyday of My Life.”

For a detailed look at your astrology in 2012—what it means for you personally!

Make an appointment today!


Thank You! You Are Awesome!

Astrological Weather Report

Sun enters Pisces February 19, 2012

Pisces New Moon February 21, 2012

Virgo Full Moon March 7, 2012

Mercury Retrograde March 12–April 4, 2012

Spring/Fall Equinox Sun enters Aries March 20, 2012

We can weather this wild and evolutionary wave together!

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