Now is the time to THRIVE!

Before you laugh, hear me out. 

I believe in the power of mindset – in the power of attraction. Believe it, and you will achieve it. This includes milestones you want to tackle, such as careers and wealth, but also feelings, like happiness and well-being. 

When I first started my career, I took a job that was not anywhere near what I studied in college. I figured it was short-term. It paid the bills while I looked for my dream job. I went to work and did my job. I wasn’t happy there, and it showed. I’d come home every night frustrated and annoyed by my day’s work, then pour my energy into looking for a new job. I sent resume after resume and heard nothing. I got more and more frustrated and upset as time went on. 

Then, one day, a coworker I had confided in said something interesting. “Why would anyone hire such a miserable worker?” 

I replied, “Well, how would a new job even know I was so unhappy here?” 

Then he said something magical. “You get from the universe what you give.”

I’m not going to lie. I wasn’t immediately convinced, and my attitude at my current job didn’t change overnight. But, as I thought through what he said to me, I realized he was right. Slowly, I did change without even realizing it. I can’t say I was ever happy at that job, but I came to accept it was where I was meant to be at the time. I found a place of peace, and I’m sure my attitude reflected it. 

I continued sending resumes out for my dream job. And very soon after that shift, I got two offers. It was the universe’s way of rewarding me for putting out positive energy. It’s a lesson I’ll never forget, I remember even more fervently in difficult times. 

The world is in an unprecedented situation right now. We’re all filled with uncertainty. We are scared (at least I am.) We’re worried about our futures and how long the COVID-19 scare will last. Weeks? Months? The rest of the year? No one knows. I look to the stars every month to see what’s in store for myself and all of you, but some things can’t be answered with exacting degrees.

Here’s what I do know. A lot of you have extra time right now. You might be working from home – saving you commute time. You might have less work, be temporarily out of work, or you might even be laid off. 

If you have extra time, use it! Put your positive energy into the world. If you have a hobby you’ve always wanted to try, do it now! If you’ve got a reading list a mile long, grab the first book, and start reading. If you’re running a business, THIS IS YOUR TIME. Work on those YouTube videos. Get that website going. Put together that free gift for your mailing list. 

I also realize that not everyone has extra time right now. If you’re working in healthcare, a grocery store, or one of the many other essential services…Bless You! We need you now more than ever. Know that you are where the universe needs you to be, fulfilling our greatest needs. The world can’t thank you enough.  

This craziness will eventually end. Things go back to a new normal.  You will have traveled a journey to be proud of. Let it feed your soul. No matter what your next project or endeavor is in life, know that you have done what so many could not have. And you now have that power to channel into the future you design.

We design our own futures. With every day, with every action, and with every thought.

Now, what thoughts and actions will you take today to make the future you’re dreaming about?

Love and blessings,



The Health and Well-Being Report is an insightful astrology report with tips about diet, exercise and healing modalities. This wonderful report helps you identify and transform imbalances of energy and negative emotional patterns. As well as discover ways to boost your self-esteem. And discover renewed energy and purpose.