What is spooking you?

Since today is Halloween, I thought it would be fun to talk about ghosts. I love horror movies – including ghost stories. I’m not into the slasher-type horror flicks.  But I do like the psychological ones that feel real – like they could actually happen.  

As much as I love a ghost story, though, I do not like ghosts. You see, I’m not talking about the kind that slams doors or hovers over your bed at night. I’m talking about the ones you carry with you day in and day out. They haunt your every thought, your every decision. They leave you sleepless at night. They wreak havoc on your relationships, your job, your self-esteem. They turn your whole life upside down! 

We all have them. Ghosts live inside of you. Ghosts whisper to us and tell us that we’re not good enough. Maybe your ghost is an abusive ex that you still hear in your head. He or she is calling you a failure every time you make a choice. Or, maybe it’s a parent that was too hard on you as a child. You can still hear them telling you that you’re too this or too that. Or that you are just not good enough.   

Ghosts whittle away at your self-esteem by buzzing in your mind with negative thoughts.  

Here’s the thing, though. These ghosts are imaginary. They live in your head! Their sole purpose is to sabotage you. This is good news. It means it is possible to banish them!  

To banish them, though, you need to fully understand WHY these ghosts have hung around.  

I’m going to tell you why right now: 

As bad as it may be, the familiar can be more comfortable than the unknown.  

That voice in your head telling you that you’re a failure? Well, you know what failure looks like, right? But what does happiness look like? Happiness (or success, or true love, etc.) is brand new. And I bet it’s a little scary, right? 

In my Academy, in every course I teach, I include a section about how to clear your money blocks. Money blocks are those things that keep you from earning what you know you deserve. They’re just like ghosts. 

Find the source of your ghost, understand what it’s doing for you, and you can beat it. I promise. Who are you not live your full potential? Why would Creator send you here to live small and hide your light? God wants for you to live the abundant life. In this way, you can do more for the world. This is good. 

Now, since it is Halloween, go have one last hurrah with those old ghosts! Spend a little time with them and examine why they’re lingering in your life. Then it’s time to start fresh and banish them from your mind. 

Your homework is for every negative thought your ghost says to you, you will replace with two positives about you. They can be anything. For instance, you are kind. You are a good listener. See where I am going with this assignment? 

Now, what are two things you like about you? 



8 thoughts on “What is spooking you?”

  1. Excellent! Ghosts have been in the house of my mind lately, and people places and things from the past keep popping up in my view which has been mind blowing! I could write a book thank you for this homework assignment… Remember Stuart Smallie on Saturday Night Live?! And by golly people like me! ❤️

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