
Love the life that you have while you create the life of your dreams

In the last week of the Wealthy Biz Goddess Master Class, we discussed money, astrology, and your business timing. How your astrology may affect or shape you. You can use it in your life, and as always, living your truth. Astrology is multidimensional and can lend to many areas of your life, love, and work.

Love the life that you have while you create the life of your dreams Read More »

This may surprise you but, I used to have trouble with my mindset

This may surprise you but, I used to have trouble with my mindset.  I was angry and frustrated. Because of the limiting roles that women were confined to growing up. I was told as a teenager by my father that women can be one of two things: a nurse or a public school teacher. That

This may surprise you but, I used to have trouble with my mindset Read More »