What are you thankful for?

In my last blog, I talked about starting 2020 by reflecting on 2019. I hope you looked over the events of the past year.  If you haven’t yet, there’s no time like the present. Think through all aspects of your life. Think about everything that happened – the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

There are two reasons to reflect on the past: 

For one, it’s a good practice to give some honest thought about how you can do better. Life is about growing and rising to new challenges. It’s what keeps us young at heart. It also keeps us from getting bored and stagnate. 

The second reason is about being happy with where you are right now. Yes, you CAN be both happy with your current life and seeking to improve it.

It’s all about mindset. Being THANKFUL will feed your soul. It’ll keep you nourished when you have a bad day or a bad week. The contrast is there to help clarify what you want more of in your life. 

So, tell me, as you reflect on 2019, what are you thankful for?  

You may want to keep a journal of what you’re thankful for. From the big stuff to the little, write it all down. It doesn’t matter if you journal it once a day or once a week. Take a few minutes on a regular basis to think about your blessings. Commit them to paper. I promise it will make a HUGE difference.

 It will keep you focused on the positive – and the positive aspects of improvement. And draw to you the good things in life.

 Here’s what I’m grateful for today:

  • My family and dear friends
  • A warm home that keeps the cold winter out
  • A wonderful coach that keeps me focused 
  • Thriving YouTube channel
  • Coffee!
  • The person at the grocery store that let me go ahead with my one item

My list changes regularly. And I’m sure yours does too. Tell me in the comments what you’re thankful for right now! I would love to hear from you.  It’s a new day. It’s a new year. It’s a new decade. It’s a new You!

Love and Blessings,



While you’re thinking about 2019, take a moment to think of where you want to be at the end of 2020. The winter months are the perfect time to focus on growing your business on YouTube. I’m getting ready to host two FREE webinars about how to launch and grow your own YouTube Channel. Can you imagine how it would feel to quit your day job because your YouTube Channel is creating a GROWING income for you? Curious? Learn more here: https://kelleyrosano.com/youtube-insiders-free-webinar/

9 thoughts on “What are you thankful for?”

  1. I am thankful for waking up this morning. Thankful for being able to fully function with mind heart and body. Thankful for children and family. Thankful for having your inspiration. God bless you

  2. I’m thankful for you Kelley Rosano (thanks for your previous post about Discipline!!) and my other astrology coach for helping me with issues of Lack. My family and close friends.

  3. I am thankful for friends who tell me truths I don’t necessarily WANT to hear. We never know how this will sometimes be the gift that keeps on giving. Almost 30 years ago, a friend told me that I needed to take my first rescue dog — my first dog as an adult — to obedience training, or I could not bring him to people’s houses. That was incredibly hurtful at the time. But deep down, I knew he was correct. Well, by virtue of my work schedule, I lucked into a class with one of the top trainers in the country, and that sent me on a journey where every dog I’ve adopted, the first thing I did was sign up for a training class. Even though I grew up with dogs, having that accountability and coaching and practice changed my relationships with the animals who share my life. Today, with my fourth rescue dog, who has new and tougher challenges and even greater potential, I continue to use what I learned, every single day. Thirty years later, that brave truth keeps on giving and making my life better.

  4. I am thankful and happy for my new Baby Boy that is coming soon on February 2020 ♥️

  5. I am Thankful for this email outreach….another reminder from the universe to start my YouTube channel.
    Thank you, Kelley.

  6. I am grateful for my sweet boys & my friends and family, I am a grateful member of Al-Anon and I’m so grateful for my program, the people, and the tools that I’ve gathered through all my years of recovery. I’m grateful for all of my wins and losses, lessons learned. I am grateful that I can start today with full trust and surrender. I am grateful for music, words of wisdom and, every gentle nudge that guides me to my greater purpose!

    And I’m grateful for you Kelly for this opportunity do you write it down and share!

  7. I am thankful for rising out of bed every morning. When rising with pain, I’m thankful to know that my body is fighting to be the best it can just for me. When there is no pain, I am thankful for the moments that I can feel like I’m a teenager again. I’m thankful for all the creature comforts that surround me and the protection and security that I feel when I step outside to embrace a new day.

  8. I am thankful for every breath that I breathe with ease and grace; as this affords me the benefit of this magnificent thing that we call life! wow!!

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